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cocobunny's manga / #Dark(5)

PLACEBO: Let's Play

Ongoing | Cuke Soap | 2023 released

THIS IS CRAZY WTF!!!! LONGER VERSION OF THE PLACEBO MANHWA!!! Uke hates his new little stepbro bc he’s always trying to steal the limelight and get all the attention for himself only. He does everything in his power to annoy and ruin what little good thing the uke has in his life. Its clear that the seme has been doing this since they first met. Why? Not sure. Seems like he equally hates the uke but may also be obsessed with him?? Seme stepbro ends up going to the same uni and the same business program as the uke, which PISSES HIM OFF. Uke tells him to GTFO his life!!! He HATES him!!! The rage is REAL. But then the seme says these words: “Lets play” and the uke undergoes a hypnosis spell. It turns out, one day the seme was rummaging thru his dad’s books and found a hypnosis book. He decided to try such techniques on the uke, and to his surprise it worked. He then used the uke to basically be his slave and do menual tasks and chores for him. But, one day, he became curious. How far can he go with this? And slowly starts incorporating sexual acts in the hypnosis. He makes the uke suck him off whenever he wants. WHY he does this??? Since he clearly hates the uke??? Maybe to dominate him since he hates him idk The hypnosis always ends when seme says “Playtimes over” and the uke will not remember anything that happened during the session. Seme keeps doing this now, where it seems like he now feels he owns the thing he hates. Cuz then we find out that uke has a little crush on a sunbae. The seme DOES NOT LIKE THIS. It pisses him off. A LOT. Tho he doesnt kno why lol. So he ~kicks it up a notch~ one night take takes the uke’s virginity during hypnosis. Somehow the uke isnt aware or feels his sore butt/hip or the cum in his ass when he wakes up??? Hello?? So during hypnosis the uke is very agreeable and obedient, but irl he detests and loathes the stepbro. The stepbro thinks its very funny, and knows that if the uke every found out he gave sloppy and his ass to the person he hates the most, then he’ll absolutely kill himself. Seme finds this very amusing lmaoooo tfffff. Stepbro starts getting closer to the sunbae that the uke has a crush on, and the uke is NOT happy about this. He approaches stepbro about this and they start arguing and he HITS HIM. Omg. Seme ends up with a bloody nose ans laughs. Pushes uke and says “Lets Play” :( How can uke possibly escape the hypnosis??? T-T it seems impossible Left of ch 16 After the jerjer during the hypnosis, seme laments that its a shame uke couldnt be like this all the time. Later on he goes to the store w uke’s crush to buy a camera. The crush remembers to buy hand creme and asks seme to give it to uke. Seme Lol’d. He says ok. But in actuality he swaps the cream for a cute black kitty keychain instead and throws away the hand cream. He tells uke that crush wanted to gift that to him. Uke opens the gift and reminisces about his previous highschool crush. This crush was his friend and they got along really well. He even gave uke a sticker of the same black cat bc he said uke looks like it. At this moment, seme saw them getting along well and didnt seem to like it. Fast forward we then see uke yelling and pushing seme and cursing him out. Not sure why, but knowing what we know, seme probably said or did some shit to piss off uke. This causes the whole school to dislike the uke bc they’re seeing it differently; they’re seeing the older brother yell at and abuse the younger bro, whose so much more nicer and popular. This causes the school to bully uke, and his friend stays away from him moving on. Me thinks this was all semes plot to get uke alone and bullied. This is what the uke reminisces about when he seems the cat keychain. He thinks perhaps its just a coincidence . LEFT OFF CH 18 LEFT OFF CH 19: NOOOO uke got hard during class bc he had a dream last night with his bro seme fucking him in class! Now he’s stuck in class! Seme noticed maybe and asked whats wrong. Uke is pissed off and tells him its none of his business. But then seme is like “How can I leave if something is my fault? Lets Play :^)” and the uke’s friend walks right in!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! LEFT OFF CH 27 Seme takes uke home before friend thinks something is off with his behavior. They do jerjer~ Afterwards, uke is still bothered by the fact that his wet dreams are about seme. Later on, at the club retreat seme gets too drunk. Friends tell uke to take him to his room. Uke does so, but as soon as he walks off, seme grabs him in a drunken state and starts touching him. Uke, clearly not hypnotized, is flabbergasted and in shocked and grossed out. He keeps trying to push seme off and punching him to no avail bc seme is too strong. Uke gives in and comes. Afterwards he escapes, and seme falls asleep. Uke is distraught over how he just gave in and why he let that happen AND why it felt so natural????? After coming out from the bathroom, friend that he is crushing on shows up & asks him if he washed his hands well. Uke says yes. Friend is glad and then says uke should use the gift he gave him then (the hand cream that seme threw out). Confused, uke still thinking that his gift was the cat keychain. But not wanting to appear rude, he plays along. Next day, uke calls out to seme and grabs him in front of a friend(girl) and says they’re gonna walk home together. Pleasantly surprised and enjoying this, seme goes along with this and says bye to friend. At an alleyway, uke pushes seme, and demands to know what happened with the real gift his crush asked seme to give him. Seme tries to play dumb at first but then notices a group of ppl pass by and the uke’s crush is one of them. Seme then says “Oh I threw it away” when uke demands why, seme says “Cuz i thought it’d be funny… seeing you all happy over a random toy i bought in passing instead of the present ur crush got you” which uke then punches him hard asf bc wtf! But this goes according to seme’s plan bc the group saw that and the girl screamed and the crush ran to seme’s rescue. Distraught that his crush saw, uke desperately tries to save face. Not wanting to hear it, his crush and everyone else tells him to cool off. Realizing hes gonna lose his crush AND friend, to the seme’s lies and manipulation again, uke starts having a mental breakdown. Uke spends the next few hrs at home crying. Seme comes home and notices uke’s puffed eyes and sees he was crying. Uke finally asks “I know….I’ve been shitty to you….but why do you keep doing this to me?” Seme relents. This is what he’s always wanted. To see uke cry in front of him. But why does he feel so shitty? “You really wanna know?” seme asks. Then we see into his past. Ever since they met, seme has always thought that uke was glowing and beautiful. He wanted to get closer to him and be friends or what have u. But uke immediately felt threatened and mad at him bc seme was so perfect and their parents always praised him for everything. It wasnt fair. Uke naturally perceived seme as trying to take his life away from him. This seems like how when a kid gets jealous of when a friend or sibling gets more attention from their loved ones than him :) And thats why uke lashed out at seme. But this was never the case. Seme only wanted to impress and be closer to uke bc he admired him and thought he glowed beautifully. But every time he tried to explain himself, uke would yell at him, push him away, or accuse him some more. Eventually seme just stopped trying. And at some point tried to not be involved with uke’s life. But it was hard. As he realized that the friends uke kept, werent good people and either bullied him or had ulterior motives. Even when he tried beating up one of uke’s friend who was bad mouthing him behind his back, the friend said “Why bother? Dude he hates your guts, why are u defending him lmao? Even when i asked why, he just does. You’re seriously hated by him” End flashback. Present time, seme answers uke and says “Because I hate that you hate me” omg :( he’s being so honest and raw rn. Unfortunately uke doesnt understand and is like tf r u talking about what does that even mean?? Then uke gets a phone call and its the friend-crush asking to speak to him in person. Uke excitedly agrees, bc hes love struck and the call tells him that maybe his crush hasnt been totally manipulated by seme & he still has a chance to salvage the friendship. Seme semi-begs him not to go, and if they can pls talk. Uke, RUDELY, tells him no need bc its not important wtf! Uke PLS! Uke then goes to his crush’s house and explains everything as to why he doesnt get along with his brother (minus the highschool incident bc its too embarrassing). Crush completely understands and still considers the uke his friend, and if he needs to talk to anyone then to pls dont hesitate to see him. Uke is feel so relieved and happy that seme’s manipulation tactics didnt work. After uke leaves, crush calls seme and asks why he didnt give uke the hand cream present like he asked him to? Seme says “I dont wanna say” The crush chuckles and says OK thats fine, you two fight like kids lol. Make up with uke when he comes home ok, we still have a group assisment! thanks bye! To which seme says in a pissed off way “Wow. What a saint” perhaps hes annoyed that crush didnt fall for his scheme lol When uke comes home seme wants to continue where they left off earlier and continue talking honestly to each other aw. But fkin uke says nah and gets him semes face and says “Your manipulation didnt work on Crush, hes smarter than the other idiots you managed to trick” and this pisses off seme. So he says “Its been awhile… lets play” OOP

At the End of the Road

Complete | Haribo | 2016 released

READ ENTIRE STORY ON BATO.TO BC OFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION WAS ON THERE anyways. Story was OK. Big disappointment that there was no jerjer : The body swap idea was pretty interesting but could have been executed better. The MC woke up in another students body, and the original student woke up in his body for like 2 seconds before dying. So MC could no longer return to his original body and the poor boy died. Reason? The boy died via suicide. Why? Bc he was raped (coordinated by his pos twin brother and some scary dude and his gang) the whole thing was video taped and circulated around the whole school and the poor boy became the center of rumors. He begged his twin for help, that he was sorry for whatever he did, etc. His twin brother was loving all this. It was his sweet revenge. WHY did he want revenge? Bc this pathetic pos was jealous that his brother was smarter and more well liked than him. PATHETIC. So he orchestrated this gang bang to get back at his brother. As a result, the poor boy became miserable and committed suicide. When he woke up in MC’s body, of course he had no will to live :’( so he gave up quickly and the doctors could not revive him. Rip

Haikei Pass / Jougi

Complete | | 2000 released

DAMN THIS WAS GOOD!!! Sadistic ABUSIVE homophobic seme who is a POS towards the poor uke bc the uke confessed to him. Seme then treats him like SHIT and rapes him! Uke hates it but seme blackmails him to stay with him. DARK AND FUCKED UP! Such a great plot its a shame its only 2 ch!!!!


Ongoing | MINAMI Kiriko | 2000 released

GODDAMN!!!!! DARK GRITTY ANGSTY TABOO INSANE STORY!!!! Extreme sadistic abusive seme older brother x Extreme masochistic doormat uke young brother Unfortunately it was discontinued early and there are some plot holes and inconsistencies towards the end, but its to be expected if it got discontinued. My only nitpicking is i wish the younger brother has a little bit more confidence in himself and defied the older bro more, instead of just accepting getting beat up all the time lol. It would have made it juicier~ But alas~ It was very good either way! They are also BIOLOGICALLY RELATED BROTHERS LOL

Kokoro O Korosu Houhou

Complete | kashio | 2014 released

Fantastic amazing story. MC gets repeatedly raped by his step bro and he HATES IT. MC has a mental break and allows step bro to just go to him and rape him. Its almost like a self harm kind of thing. Bc he hates it yet is numb to the rape. He still physically feels it and moans thooo. At some point MC has enough and quits his job (this is bc he had a crush on his senpai at work but when they started going out the step bro ruined it all by fucking MC while he was on the phone with the senpai. Then the senpai is angry at MC for cheating on him [he doesnt know the full story or that mc is being threatened and blackmail with a video, and thus breaks up with MC] and causes MC to spiral), he changes his phone number and moves out of his apartment. He tries to run, get away from the pain of it all..but his brother eventually finds him. And they do jerjers a lot. MC then decides to kill step bro by giving him a sleeping pill and choking him. Yet, he couldnt do it. He simply couldnt. He then calls his step mom and tells her everything. MC then decides to OD on the sleeping pills. When he wakes up in the hospital, he finds out the stop mom died(probably bc she needed to rest plus the agony of learning your son was raping your step son the whole time), and that step bro was taken away to live with his relatives on mother side. Everyone blamed Hikaru on the step moms death bc the step mom initially went out looking for him when she saw he left the house. But we know it was being exposed to the elements and also learning the truth of her son raping her step son that killed her. So essentially it was both their faults! Anyways, This gives MC time to heal as best as he can with his father and seek therapy. He works part time. At the step mom’s 3rd year anniversary, MC decides to send step bro an invitation. We see its bc he wanted to reach out. Step bro doesnt want MCs pity, or to hear MC ask if he’s repented. MC then admits it wasnt step bros fault that step mom died, but his. bc he told her the whole truth. Imo it was both their faults. They both cry in this air of like, acceptance for what theyve done. In the manga they are described as two partners in crime who know each other the best out of everyone. The two meet up occasionally to talk casually. Senpai sees this and exclaims to MC why tf is he meeting up with Hikaru. Hikaru gently tells, basically, Hikaru hasnt changed one bit..and he was relieved at that. and he wasnt changed either. Neither have. Woah. We then see step bro and MC at step bros place and they kiss and try jerjer but MC says the trauma has caused him to become impotent. Whaaaaaat. Thats the end. They remain with each other. MC has developed severe stokholm syndrome and step bro remains obsessed with him. They remain with each other in their own suffering. Relenting to each other, bc atp the only ppl who understand their inner darkness and pain is each other. A shakespearean tragedy.