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cocobunny's manga / #Twisted(9)

Stalker's Game

Complete | TAN | 2000 released
2019-08-07 06:40 marked

Its OK. Uke has a stalker who brings him drinks, then food, then breaks into his house when he’s at work to cook him meals and do his laundry and clean house. The uke finds this convenient, albeit a bit creepy. This all changes when the stalker passes by him and says “Hard day at work huh?” and uke realizes his stalker is a man. THEN he has a huge problem with it lolol. So he tries to ignore all the things the stalker does for him and throws away the food. Then one day he comes home from work and stalker is there WAITING for him. This alarms uke, he’s scared, and tries to leave the apartment but stalker stops him and is like “Where r u going? Lol come in.” Stalker tells uke that he usually stalks different people bc its fun to see their reactions, but uke was the first one to let him go as far as he did. Thus, stalker has fallen for him and wants to take their relationship to the next level. LOL. Uke is aghastly upset. From here on, uke keeps trying to rebuke and deny the stalker. But the stalker keeps entering his home, invading his space, and forcing himself on uke. Poor uke spends most of this time crying begging for stalker to stop but stalker never does. Stalker tells him that uke will get used to him in due time, and wont ever want him to leave. Uke doesnt believe this bc this is illegal. Over time, uke’s will power just deteriorates. Though he was pretty much a pushover the entire time tho and always just allows the stalker to do as he pleases. Uke is broken and now kinda just accepts the stalker. but then stalker stops showing up and this unnerves uke a little. He knows he should be happy bc this is what he wanted. But he cant get the stalker out of his mind now. Literally lives rent free in his head. Uke then STALKS him and sees he is how stalking someone else. This makes uke feel mixed things. He KNOWS he should be happy but. Uke calls up the guy who knows the stalker and asks for help. Guy tells him basically “Look ur a loser pushover. You let this progress. I’m not here to listen to you whine. You want him out of your life, but now you cant stop thinking about him, eh? You should wanna get back at him. Lets make a plan. Give him a taste of his own medicine” The plan? To KIDNAP the stalker. Brainrot behavior. Uke does this and keeps the stalker in his apartment as prisoner tied up to a chair. Of COURSE the stalker would enjoy this wtf stupid head. As time passes, the stalker becomes accustomed to this but groans bc yea its uncomfortable. One morning uke unties the stalker before heading to work. When he comes back, stalker greets him. Stalker begins to freak out a little and tells uke to tie him back up again. When uke doesnt respond he accuses uke of getting tired of him and stuff. BRO u STALKED. HIM. lmao. lmao. Anyways uke gives in and is like ok…lets try this. AKA Be in a relationship. Which is FAIL bc uke couldve used this opportunity to really get revenge and tell stalker to fuck off, since he successfully got into his head now. but nah, uke is a pushover idiot lol. Things are good for awhile but uke decides to look for apartment. stalker follows him and sees that. He freaks out again and begs uke not to leave him and to please love him back. AGAIN wasted opportunity BUT, i guess in a way this is the uke’s revenge. The stalker has crumbled and now begs uke not to leave him and to take him with him. So, win for uke? Uke tells him ok. The end

Umbilical Sex

Complete | Towadako | 2019 released

Electrifying! Uke is a playboy who gets with multiple girls and cheats on his gf. Makoto, the quiet megane seme, joins the club that uke is part of. His intentions are initially unknown. But he confesses to uke discreetly, but uke is a cis male bastard and outs Makoto in front of everyone and makes fun of him for it. Makoto is embarrassed and quits the club. Uke finds himself at a massage parlor and a girl offers to give him prostate massage. He relents but finds out he now cant stop cumming to it. With his newfound pleasure, he cant live without it now. He then tries to use Makoto as his fuck buddy. Trying to be all nice and apologize in order to get what he wants. However, its the uke who’s playing right into Makoto’s trap. Makoto isnt what he seems, and knows a lot more about uke than initially thought. Info: -Makoto raped by mother as a child and thats why he’s so messed up :( -He fell for uke after their first drinking outting bc uke took care of him and made sure he was at a hospital -Makoto has since become obsessed with uke, stalked him, and took pictures of him -Makoto is psychotic and plans out everything and will do anything to make uke his -Makoto forces uke to jerjer in front of his gf to solidify that uke belongs to him now oop -Stockholm syndrome in the end oop

Katamuku Karada

Complete | OKUDA Waku | 2000 released

One Shot. Immediate rape. Seme Yakuza bad guy has been in the group for awhile. He saw uke a few times and fell in love. He loved his dignified back. Inquiring why uke is never seen in the group, the leader (uke’s father) tells him that his son is raised normally in a normal life and thus doesnt belong in the yakuza world. Thus Seme comes to terms that the only way for him to have the beautiful refined uke is to forcefully take him. He receives this opportunity when the Leader (uke’s father) has cancer and requests that Seme take over the group since he is dependable. Seme agree on only one condition: The Uke. If he can have the uke. Father begrudgingly obliges imo. Seme then takes uke and forces himself on him for months (aka rape). And each time he asks uke if he loves him. Uke always says no bc he hates all this. Uke hates being embraced, he hates the feeling of the rape, he doesnt like pain, he hates it all. So he always says NO. Then one day the leader dies bc of his cancer. Uke doesnt know how to feel about this, since his father was never in his life on purpose since he was meant to be raised normally. He feels empty? As he describes this, the seme gentle hugs him from behind. Slightly taken aback by the fact that even a yakuza could embrace so gently, the uke then throws himself on seme and says they can have sex. Seme, enthusiastic but not wanting to take advantage of a grieving person, hesitantly says ok. He says he’ll do it gently, to which the uke perks up and seems to really want that. Sex is good. Uke says it feels good. Seme now understands that force isnt the way to go with the uke. The best way to approach him and have him fall in love with seme is to be gentle and treat him gently. Uke realizes that he rejected the seme this whole time (bc rape duh), but accepts him now bc he cant stand on his own rn d/t fathers death. Afterwards, uke thanks Seme for being there for him. Seme then happily sees that uke seemed refined and strong, but in actuality he is fragile and just wants someone to treat him gently and take care if him. And that makes the Seme love Uke much more. Pretty ok jerjers but would have been GREAT if there was more build up and not a one shot!

Boku wa Ninkimono

Complete | Inutoki, Shouhe | 2000 released

Super good but unfortunately its a one shot!

Haikei Pass / Jougi

Complete | | 2000 released

DAMN THIS WAS GOOD!!! Sadistic ABUSIVE homophobic seme who is a POS towards the poor uke bc the uke confessed to him. Seme then treats him like SHIT and rapes him! Uke hates it but seme blackmails him to stay with him. DARK AND FUCKED UP! Such a great plot its a shame its only 2 ch!!!!


Ongoing | MINAMI Kiriko | 2000 released

GODDAMN!!!!! DARK GRITTY ANGSTY TABOO INSANE STORY!!!! Extreme sadistic abusive seme older brother x Extreme masochistic doormat uke young brother Unfortunately it was discontinued early and there are some plot holes and inconsistencies towards the end, but its to be expected if it got discontinued. My only nitpicking is i wish the younger brother has a little bit more confidence in himself and defied the older bro more, instead of just accepting getting beat up all the time lol. It would have made it juicier~ But alas~ It was very good either way! They are also BIOLOGICALLY RELATED BROTHERS LOL

Chou to Kumo no Su

Complete | Akabeko | 2000 released

its OK. Was expecting more. MC’s mom dies and her boyfriend then slowly replaces her absence with her son. He seems overly possessive and controlling, not allowing MC to go out and making him get a womb tattoo. At some point bc of all the grooming , MC developed Stockholm syndrome and didnt mind the sexual abuse anymore. But the boyfriend doesnt seem to want to come to terms with that? He prefers if MC kept putting up a fight or something. Pretty weird and unsatisfying. Its all fondling and jerking offf MC until HS, then back door play with fingers after. Only 1 jerjer scene and it was towards the end when MC liked being the boyfriend’s slave replacement at that points. Mostly psychological manga with dull plot. The characters arent very expressive except for key moments. Plot moves slow for a manga with only 2 chapters. The boyfriend’s sex circus show thing eventually got exposed and he had to flee, leaving MC behind. End.

Kokoro O Korosu Houhou

Complete | kashio | 2014 released

Fantastic amazing story. MC gets repeatedly raped by his step bro and he HATES IT. MC has a mental break and allows step bro to just go to him and rape him. Its almost like a self harm kind of thing. Bc he hates it yet is numb to the rape. He still physically feels it and moans thooo. At some point MC has enough and quits his job (this is bc he had a crush on his senpai at work but when they started going out the step bro ruined it all by fucking MC while he was on the phone with the senpai. Then the senpai is angry at MC for cheating on him [he doesnt know the full story or that mc is being threatened and blackmail with a video, and thus breaks up with MC] and causes MC to spiral), he changes his phone number and moves out of his apartment. He tries to run, get away from the pain of it all..but his brother eventually finds him. And they do jerjers a lot. MC then decides to kill step bro by giving him a sleeping pill and choking him. Yet, he couldnt do it. He simply couldnt. He then calls his step mom and tells her everything. MC then decides to OD on the sleeping pills. When he wakes up in the hospital, he finds out the stop mom died(probably bc she needed to rest plus the agony of learning your son was raping your step son the whole time), and that step bro was taken away to live with his relatives on mother side. Everyone blamed Hikaru on the step moms death bc the step mom initially went out looking for him when she saw he left the house. But we know it was being exposed to the elements and also learning the truth of her son raping her step son that killed her. So essentially it was both their faults! Anyways, This gives MC time to heal as best as he can with his father and seek therapy. He works part time. At the step mom’s 3rd year anniversary, MC decides to send step bro an invitation. We see its bc he wanted to reach out. Step bro doesnt want MCs pity, or to hear MC ask if he’s repented. MC then admits it wasnt step bros fault that step mom died, but his. bc he told her the whole truth. Imo it was both their faults. They both cry in this air of like, acceptance for what theyve done. In the manga they are described as two partners in crime who know each other the best out of everyone. The two meet up occasionally to talk casually. Senpai sees this and exclaims to MC why tf is he meeting up with Hikaru. Hikaru gently tells, basically, Hikaru hasnt changed one bit..and he was relieved at that. and he wasnt changed either. Neither have. Woah. We then see step bro and MC at step bros place and they kiss and try jerjer but MC says the trauma has caused him to become impotent. Whaaaaaat. Thats the end. They remain with each other. MC has developed severe stokholm syndrome and step bro remains obsessed with him. They remain with each other in their own suffering. Relenting to each other, bc atp the only ppl who understand their inner darkness and pain is each other. A shakespearean tragedy.