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cocobunny's manga / #WAITING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS......(5)

You Who Wants to Love

Ongoing | Nanoka | 2019 released

first couple: bunny x wolf 2nd couple: mouse x lion 3rd couple: Hunting Dog(??) x Shiba Inu Dog Left off ch 27. Lio received news from uke that he’s pregnant…with TRIPLETS!! <33333 Lio announced to the press that he will be a father now. He is even more popular now and getting more and more roles. We see a jealous celebrity named touiou angry at this news. Seems we are now starting a new story with a new couple? So far we see Touoi has issues with his mom. His mother is a breeder (person who purposely gets with an alpha-ish person of high status with a good assigned sex (AS) so that the child born has an advantage in society. The child receives no love from the parents. Touiu seems to have trauma from this. His mother seems to call him frequently for money so that she can afford her luxuries. He has a butler/manager(?) who stays by his side it seems. Were they childhood friends? Anyways, he is determined to never be a breeder, never fall in love, never get married, never have kids. And only use his good looks to take him far. His manager comes to pick him up and takes him home. Manager pulls on his collar. Left of ch 27 LEFT OFF CH 29; Celebrity Touiuo Is a playboy apparently he fucks a lot of people. His manager, who is also his childhood best friend, keeps warning him to watch it bc it could ruin his reputation. Touiou doesnt care tbh. He doesnt seem to like that everyone only cares about making sure he keeps working so that the money keeps incoming. His manager’s comments irked him bc i guess he thought at least his best friend would thinking differently. His manager does, it just came out wrong bc he srsly cares about him and his well being/image. Touiou brings up the proposition that why doesnt his Best Friend/Manager fuck him instead? He says this with a coy in your face attitude . That way, he gets his rocks off and they can have sex easily all the time indoors. Manager says no, he doesnt want that kind of work relationship with Touoi. Touiou looks shocked and disappointed but says ok fine but im taking that as i can keep doing what i want— Manager cuts him off and hugs him from behind and says “However, I will have sex with you as your best friend.” omg. Apparently Manager/Best Friend has been in love with Touiou since they were kids. And it always annoyed and irritated him to see Touiou always sleeping around, but he knew that if he stepped in then Touiou would get scared off. So he always waited patiently until he was given the green light by Touiou himself. And that green light was given(0w0). Touiou is like yo wtf r u talking??? But Manager/Best Friend keeps going and they end up doing the Jerjer hehe. Touiou is confused bc he’s never had sex like that b4. Maybe they’re a fated pair?? Manager/Best Friend admits his love for Touiou. He also states that he knows Touiou isnt looking for a relationship, so he wont ask him out. Touiou looks disappointed by this. Manager/best Friend kisses him and tells him “But if you try to sleep with anyone else again, i’ll cock block you bc us shiba inu’s get jealous easily” lol LEFT OFF CH 35: 1st couple Bunny Kurono and Wolf Haise are living loveydovey nice relationship/marriage. However Kurono starts feeling self conscious about his bunny side and the constant horniness/heats. He thinks that Haise is maybe annoying/tired of it and thinks himself as a slut. Meanwhile, Haise feels guilty that maybe he’s been pushing Kurono too far in bed lately and thus Kurono needs to rest. Constant miscommunication here when they could just talk about it with each other -__-. Anyways, to fix it Kurono increases his suppresant dosage in hopes ut calms him down. But he soon realizes that not even the increased dosage can quell his lust for Haise. Anyways, next day Haise gives him some space and goes out to buy his fav cakes. Kurono skips on his suppresent dosage and immediately feels insane horniness for Haise’s pillowcase lmao. When Haise returns he finds Kurono holed up in their closet like in a bunny burrow :> They open up and Kurono explains his fears. Haise reminds him that he’s a wolf and they mate for life. He reassures Kurono that he can lust for him as much as he wants. They do the jerjer and everything good and they happy :> While they are watching tv, Kurono is eating an entire jumbo bag of sweet potato fries. Haise notices it and points it out. Kurono doesn’t understand why he loves to eat them lately, nor does he understand why he so drowsy either… Haise , thinking, then asks, “Kurono, are you pregnant?” To which Kurono is like huh?? LOL and At the same time, the TV announces that LIO and his mouse uke will be expecting TRIPLETS EEEEEEE!!! *7* SOOOOOO CUUUUTEEE!!! KURONO AND HAISE ENDED UP HAVING A BABY RABBIT BOY AAAHAJAHAHAHHAHAJA!!!! AND LIO AND MOUSE UKE HAD TRIPLETS!! 2 MOUSE BABIES AND A LION BABY AKSJDJAJSJS We are now getting into the details of the babies and how they raise them & also find the time to do jerjers <3 ch 37-38 was their jerjers LEFT OF CH 38

Half of Me

Ongoing | Samk,Juhan | 2000 released

Kwon is a regular vegetable market owner who worked hard to get to where he is. Gets in a vehicle accident bc a highschool kid tried to commit suicide. His soul ends up entering the body of the highschool kid, whereas the HS kid considers himself dead, bc he turned his back and ears from the world, thus his soul is asleep. Kwon obviously doesnt want to remain in this kid’s body and desperately wants to get back in his own. Feeling Kwon’s desperation, the HS kid’s soul pushes him out the body at 7pm every day. After 7pm, Kwon is back in his own body, whereas the kid’s body remains vacant and unresponsive. When its 7am, Kwon’s soul gets sucked back into the kid’s body and his own body in turn is also vacant and unresponsive. When Kwon’s soul is swapped from one body to another, the vacant body receives physical rest while unresponsive. However, since Kwon is awake during this entire time, his mind has no rest. Thus he feels mentally drained and tired. Kinda like staying up all night and going about your day in the morning i guess omg. Wanting a way to fix all this, Kwon seeks out a psychic/spiritual help. She states to him the reason why the soul body switch happens; its bc the HS boy’s soul has turned its back on the world. Since his living experience was so painful and unbearable, the boy decided to suicide. As such, his soul will not wake up or return. Thus, it’s up to Kwon to figure out WHY, what the boy’s life was like, figure out a way to resolve it, and connect with him so that his soul returns. The woman states that the boy, and Kwon’s soul, chose each other at the moment of the crash (when they locked eyes), because Kwon has something in common with the boy. Kwon finds out its bc they both had the same familial issues where the father abandons the family and the mother has to work hard to be the sole provider for her and her son. Kwon is initially annoyed and pissed off with the kid… bc wouldnt the sight of seeing your mother work hard in turn make him want to work hard for her too?? Cuz thats what Kwon did. So the kid’s mental weakness pisses him off. Especially the kid’s physical weakness. At school Kwon sees that the kid is bullied by everyone in the class. He receives death threats and verbal abuse via whatsapp texts and gets picked on in person too. Kwon wants to fight these brats, but realizes quickly that he cant bc the kid’s physical body and stamina are horrendous. So Kwon ignores them, and soon enough the abuse lessens bc he’s not giving them a reaction. When Kwon goes to PE the kids begin verballing bullying him again; calling the kid a perv, to die, etc etc. Kwon ignores it. But when he goes outside for PE, he is practically immobilized bc the kid’s body starts having a severe physical reaction to the PE teacher; he starts sweating, his heartbeat quickens, and his face starts flushing. Kwon is confused and doesn’t understand what the kid’s problem is. But when Kwon takes a good look at the PE teacher, he realizes its someone he went to HS with, a guy named the Dog Buddha. He is surprised, bc in HS the Dog Buddha was a social happy-go-lucky extrovert who always smiled, albeit one instance when he got into an argument with the class president, but otherwise he was basically the happiest kid in the school. But now? As an adult a decade later, he is awful, mean, prickly, and a downright dictator towards the students. When explaining the strange physical phenomenon he experiences to his coworkers(who are aware of the situation), they claim its quite simple. Considering what the bullies said, and the physical response, the kid obviously has a giant crush on the PE teacher. And the coworker chips in that this is what he assumed Kwon and the kid had in common: that they’re both gay. Kwon is expressionless but clearly not pleased bc wtf lol what makes him gay exactly? that he never shows interest in woman? shut up. lmao. This is yet to be confirmed or argued against tho so maybe Kwon is closeted and he doesnt even know huhu. His coworker’s reasoning is “Well since you’re friends with your gay friend who owns a gym, i assumed you’re also gay?” basically OUTTING the poor gym dude lmaoo. Kwon calls him for clarification and the dude comes over and yes admits it. Kwon doesnt care he’s just upset everyone knew except him lol. We see that gym friend had, or still has? a crush on KWON :P So anyways, Kwon now realizes he has to help the kid with his crush on the Dog Buddha. How exactly? He’s not sure. Since this is clearly an unrequited love. He also still has to help with the kid’s bullying. During school Kwon overhears the bullies talking about going to a club. Kwon, wanting to honestly get revenge for the kid and himself, AND to also make sure the kids dont do what they shouldnt, tells the Dog Buddha that those kids are gonna be at a club. But he accidentally gives the wrong club name. Thus, Kwon decides to take matters into his own hands and go to the club as his adult self. He barges in on the kid’s private room they booked and tells the girls they’re underaged. When they leave, he makes the boys do planks as punishment. Then, all of a sudden the Dog Buddha shows up. Kwon is surprised bc he didnt think he would be able to find the club. The Dog Buddha tells the kids to go home and Kwon is pissed off bc wtf. Why let them go?? Dog Buddha asks why he was torturing them. Anyways, Kwon realizes this is a good opportunity for him to try and help the kid so he tries to be buddy-buddy with the DB, but he immediately rejects Kwon and is supper prickly. Kwon tries again, but the DB immediately assumes Kwon is trying to ask him for money or to get involves with a scam. Kwon is annoyed and insulted. The next day, the DB asks for the kid in his office. Kwon is confused bc he should he calling for the bullies who went to the club, not the kid. The DB asks him if he told anyone about the bullies who went to the club. Kwon says no except for his neighbor upstairs (Kwon lol), whomst is a successful market owner that never asks for money and blah blach etc etc lol starts bragging. DB tells the kid to leave but before he leaves Kwon notices a gym membership card thats the same as his gay gym friend. Using this opportunity, Kwon calls his friend and asks if he can become a member again (just to find a way to approach DB). At the gym, Kwon tries at every opportunity to approach DB but he’s so prickly and doesnt want anything to do with him. Kwon eventually finds out from his previous classmates that DB moved to Canada to get away from his parents bc they all disagreed on his chosen dream i guess. Anyway he goes to Canada to pursue his athletic dream. However there was a dispute between him and a teammate over a cheating girlfriend. They got into a fight and DB got a severe enough injury that he couldnt play anymore. The teammate got to stay. DB was kicked off and he his life derailed. Then he receives a phone call that his parents died in a crash and he had to fly back to Korea for the funeral. He lost his dream, his love, and his family. His life was ruined. Since then this is why he never smiles anymore and he’s a completely different person now. According to the classmates. Kwon doesnt care tho lolhe just needs a way to get DB to listen to him. Kwon approaches DB at his gym locker and gives him $100 in exchange for an hour of his time. DB says no. Kwon begs, DB says ok 10 min. Kwon is like WTF 10 min for $100??? Lol but he agrees. All Kwon tells him is to be nice to the HS kid. Pat his back, say hello, smile, etc. DB asks “thats it? why?” to which Kwon doesn’t exactly explain. But he also asks DB to stop making the poor kid do planks bc its inhumane. The next day, Kwon heads to school and the DB is there. Bc of his lateness, he makes Kwon do planks. despite taking the money early that morning. LOL. Kwon is pissed off and seriously lets it all out! Starts ranting! Starts saying things and exposing everything! DB immediately assumes the kid is insane so he takes him to a psychiatric hospital. Kwon doesnt want to be forcibly institutionalized, so he tries to convince DB that he isnt insane by stating his HS friends name and stuff from HS. DB accuses him of knowing all that from Kwon. Kwon then tells him (as the kid) that Kwon would never gossip about others like that. DB then asks him how he knows all that then, since Kwon didnt tell the kid. Thats when Kwon says “Because I AM Kwon.” OOP lets see if DB believes him!! LEFT OF CH 33 Left off ch 34 maybe re read it later bc maybe give it time to accumulate more ch since its weekly and new

Netkama Punch!!!

Ongoing | kima nim,whale , golae | 2019 released

Left off ch 28 Seyoung agrees to go on a date with Heejae :) Prior to ch 21 Heejae was only focused on getting revenge on Seyoung bc of being Netkama scammed, but ch 21 shows Heejae actually start falling in love with Seyoung <3 REREAD CH 29 Of when they go on their date! Also give manga more time for updates since its new Left off ch 41: MC starts falling for ML a little. They kiss (w tongue) and he is confused about it. He doesnt want to admit his feelings or let his heart open more bc he remembers ML clearly said he wants them to continue dating until he “gets bored” and also the blackmail vid. But since living together, they’re grown closer. When MC asks him why he likes him, ML goes into a scary thought process making us believe he doesnt actually like him and is fully stringing him along for messing with him in game

Dreadful Night

Ongoing | Mo-an | 2023 released

HORROR SLASHER YAOI WHERE UKE IS TRAPPED IN A HORROR GAME AND HAS TO SURVIVE BY FINDING CLUES FROM DIFFERENT ENDINGS He keeps dying but with every death he gets a clue and closer to solving the mystery and ending the game. As such he is in a continuous time loop with the same events happening. In the last season before he dies, the uke notices that one of the friend NPCs ends up killing a random villager. Confused, bc this entire time he thought this friend was just a regular NPC who gets killed no matter what in every scenario. But before uke could think further he gets killed. Reloop again into a new season, uke is determined to stay away from that friend NPC for now, since he may be some kind of anomaly and he srsly needs to focus on clues. He avoids the NPC friend at every turn and even avoids the rest by saying he wants to take a nap. Unbeknownst to him, this kinda upsets the NPC friend bc it makes him think that uke is ignoring him bc he did something wrong. The game begins and things play out as uke expects them to again. But this time, for some reason the friend NPC suggests he and uke look for the friends. This takes the uke aback and now he is uncertain whats going on. He plays along but is trying to figure out a way to lose the NPC so he can focus on finding clues. It doesnt work as the NPC pushes him on the bed and asks him whats his problem bc it seems as if the uke is mad at him and ignoring him; wondering why and if he did something wrong. Hes annoyed. Thinking quickly, uke begins confessing to the NPC. He pulls a pretty good confession by kidding him, as its believable enough to trigger the killer showing up. Uke knew this, since lover confessions and sex get ppl killed in horror games. As the killer is about to bludgeon the NPC, uke pushes him out of the way and takes the hit. Killer then takes uke to a torture chamber. Uke kinda planned that out hoping that it would get him away from the npc. This works out in his favor since he hasnt gotten the Torture Ending yet. As uke was bracing himself, the NPC friend comes out of nowhere and bludgeons the killer??? REPEATEDLY??? Easily without remorse??? It was WAY too easy for him to just kill someone like that, especially after seeing a friend get killed earlier. And HOW could he kill the Killer?? That’s literally not possible bc the killer always regenerates and is never killed. Uke realizes this and is now cautious of him. Bc this means that the NPC is some sort of severe anomaly, was never a safe person, he’s actually fucking dangerous. His morality isnt normal. After NPC kills the killer he states to the uke he’s showed up respond to his confession. WHAT! LMAO! Uke is like bro wtf i was lying. As they try to take the shackles off uke’s ankles, he tells seme that its no use. The shackles wont come off unless the Torture event is completed. And since the NPC cane and killed the Killer, he’s now stuck there. NPC, psycho-ishly, recommends he torture the uke instead since the killer is dead now. The uke is like wtf i dont think that’ll you even know how to torture someone?? And NPC seems a little TOO eager to do it!!! Ewww!! XD The NPC suggests they do…SEXUAL TORTURE. The uke is like WTF NO I DONT LIKE BDSM AND I DONT WANNA HAVE SEX WITH YOU…. NPC is like, i wasnt asking :) torture means you wont it anyway so.. OMG???? I mean he’s got a point but OMG??? NPC then suggests they at least try it for a bit before giving up. Uke asks for how long and NPC is like “You talk too much” oop. He tells uke to bite down on tshirt to keep it up while he plays with his nipnips. And states that if uke lets go, then he’ll fking see blood—a threat OOP. He then starts stroking his schlong then playing with his hole, which causes uke to moan and let go of tshirt oooo. NPC then slaps him hard OOOOOO… and says “You asked for it” and decides to then rape uke!!! Uke is like WTF this is a SLASHER HORROR game TF sex got to do with this!! and Seme replies “Well you said horro involves blood and pain… well, ima just ram it and we’ll get the blood wont we? :)” and OMG UKE IS LIKE BRO NOOOOOOO LMAO but then the shackles unlock!!! Uke is like THE SHACKLES ARE OPENED STOP. To which seme is like huh well look at that they did open.. So thankfully uke didnt get violently violated :D They take the clues (newspaper clipping, key, and tape recorder). The tape recorder is to save, but uke doesnt tell the NPC this. He doesnt want to create more anomalies by allowing this npc to remember everything the next round. Uke saves but npc acting sus???? uke goes to find more clues but ends up killed. RELOOP NEW SEASON: Uke is expecting the same dialogue but realizes its deviating slightly from what it originally was! Then all of a sudden, the NPC slams the breaks on the car! THE PLOT IS DEVIATING!! WTF!! The other friends ask him wtf is wrong, to which he turns around and is like “Idk, lets ask Uke whats going on” NOOOOO HE KNOWS??? HE WAS IN THE SAVE??? ACK LEFT OFF CH 7 REREAD CH 8 and give it more time for updates since this is new!

Omega ni Dake wa Naritakunai!! ~Isekai Tensei Shitara Ane no BL Manga no Nakadeshita~

Ongoing | MOGU Emu | 2021 released

left off ch 8 Tasei is now coming to terms with his love for jasper. he is still grabbling with the notion of becoming an omega, once he accepts jasper. So far no jerjer? just kissey kiss