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cherry's manga / #Poor gf. ;0;(1)

Dear Sa-chan

Complete | Iori asaga | 2019 released

It’s addicting to read because I want him to fall into despair. Why the fuck would you continue your relationship, convincing yourself excuses to cheat. Like bitch being indecisive and pathetic isn’t because of your girlfriend, it’s your own weakness. Get over yourself, break up with your girlfriend and fuck the entire city because apparently you lOvE hEr bUt stiLL fuCk other WomEn. Yeah stop convincing yourself to make yourself feel better shitard. I wish I could sympathize with you as you’re the ‘mc’ but holy shit you’re so weak willed after meeting that lady. Come on, you’re hurting everyone by cheating and ducking the wife. You hurt your girlfriend, the lady and her marriage, her spouse, and strains your friendships. Come on. I really hope he feels despair and suffering after his fucking bad deeds or at least mans up and admit to his actions but at least learn from it. I still want to see remorse on his face though. Literal asshat