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Kysoneca's manga / #Average to Strong(1)

Nature Mage Ashto’s Slow Life in an Abandoned Forest

Ongoing | Satou | 2022 released >>> 35 - visto até o 28 Description Born into a major noble family, Ashto was unfortunately gifted with the elemental affinity for nature. Considered a failure, he was exiled to a forest of demons, where he was ready to settle down and live an isolated, lonely life. However, to his surprise, he finds a variety of rare races, including a High Elf, several Elder Dwarves, and Cat-Eared Beastmen who all decide to live with Ashto! On top of all this, a legendary dragon appears and grants Ashto an abundance of magic and mana, allowing him to rank up to a Grand Mage. Now thrown into a whole new life, Ashto decides to use his nature magic to create the best village for everyone! Os irmãos gostam dele, apesar de não terem demonstrado muito. Só o pai que é um idiota, e a mãe ausente, porque ela acata o que o pai fala. Ela não apareceu até agora.