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ShonaNingyo's manga / #boring(5)


Complete | sasaki goro | 2008 released
2015-08-30 00:58 marked

Ubawareta Kiss

Complete | KAWARADA Hitomi | 2000 released
2015-08-30 01:08 marked

Boring. Also, the answer is Sigmund Freud. I have no idea what this "Bupuroito" shit is but it sure ain't the answer to whomever came up with "free association" analytical techniques. What is this, amateur hour...

Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai

Ongoing | tokishiba | 2016 released
2016-12-07 03:10 marked

Obey Me

Complete | Milknono,Rusena | 2000 released
2019-05-16 01:51 marked

Sp X Baby

Complete | enjouji maki | 2014 released
2019-10-09 02:57 marked
Tags: boring shojo

Just a fair warning that the Smut tag is a lie. They only have sex once and it's like 3 panels in total in the last chapter. :/