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A to the G to the U to the STD's manga / #Family(24)

Super Lovers

Ongoing | abe miyuki | 2009 released

The sex isn't going anywhere..! WHY? huhuhu T~T

Bokura No Negai

Complete | yamamoto kotetsuko | 2012 released
2015-11-29 04:41 marked

Papa I Love You

Complete | mishima kazuhiko | 2008 released
2015-11-29 16:46 marked

Honeycomb Child

Ongoing | Watanabe Asia | 2008 released

Stay Gold (hideyoshico)

Ongoing | hideyoshico | 2000 released
2016-02-15 12:10 marked

Sasen No Warukunai

Ongoing | kirishima maruha,kuku hayate | 2015 released

i have mistaken this for a bl;; ( ̄∇ ̄") but surprisingly, i read through it! and i thought that they were so cute! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Naruto dj - Family Game

Complete | KSL, OKIMURA Shino | 2000 released
2016-03-12 14:16 marked

Mae yori mo Dare yori mo

Complete | cj michalski | 2001 released


Complete | CJ Michalski | 2008 released