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ajay's manga / #Fluffy(15)

Star x Fanboy

Complete | Kim Cheomji | 2000 released

OMG WHY DIDN’T I READ THIS SOONER?? Literally the cutest yaoi of all time. My heart was content with them just being fan and actor, but when they started dating, I think my heart exploded. I- I live for this.

Dear Signal

Complete | Suehiro machi | 2019 released

This is pretty decent! Not to shabby. It was pretty cliche when it came to character personalities, dynamics, and looks. But the plot about the love allergy, was a pretty fun and interesting concept! I also love how Arashi was in love with Haname since eight!

Shiba-kun to Shepherd-san dj: Hug! Hug!

Complete | Ayu Ikemori | 2000 released

Love this couple with all my heart.

Nakimushi Akuma no Maria-kun

Complete | SANO Yukihiko | 2018 released

Bro. Maria is the cutest thing ever. Who allowed such a demon to exist? Anyways, this was a really fun yaoi! I haven’t read such a light hearted and fun yaoi in a while. This was quite enjoyable. ALSO, THE GRIM REAPER DUDE WAS THE HOTTEST MAN EVER. I WOULD PAY HIM WITH MY LIFE SPAN FOR HIM TO STEP ON MEEEE. (As always though, taking off a point for rape) Edit: so I’ve seen many comments about Satoru not being... the best person. I agree, in the beginning. I could totally see him change overtime tho. You can clearly see him think of Maria as Maria, and not Jun at the end. I mean, Satoru didn’t even HESITATE to sacrifice Jun for Maria XDD. Also, is it just me, or is SATORU FINE AS HELLLL?? LIKE, HIS EXPRESSION GIVE ME LIFE. I ALSO WANT HIM TO STEP ON MEEE

Fruit, Gateau au Chocolat

Complete | KITAHALA Lyee | 2016 released

BRUHHHHHH. I knew it! I knew this one was gonna be good, for one reason: food based plot. Every single food based plots always end up amazing. Food Wars, Our Dining Table, and now this! This was so fluffy and sweet! The progression of their relationship felt so natural, that it made me all warm inside. Who wouldn’t love a cute, older uke with glasses and a princely ikemen love story? I have been blessed with the purity of a thousand suns.

Danshi Koukouseiteki Kazoku Keikaku!

Complete | Umiyuki Lily | 2000 released

This was sooo cute! I swear, I really love all yaois that have children as apart of the main plot. Like, seriously, who doesn’t love a small baby who brings a wholesome couple together? So, anyways, I really loved this wholesome story. Not only did it have a cute toddler, but also involved wholesome sweets and baking! Legit all the adorable plots combined into one. I also love the trope with the misunderstood delinquent uke, and the cool emotionless seme. This was such a joy to read!

Chiya's Just an Unstable Guy

Complete | Furuya Chiruko | 2000 released

Is it wholesome? Yeah. Is the uke cute? Yeah. Is the seme hot? Yeah. Is the “I love you” scene the best thing ever? Yeah. Is the story well written and entertaining? Yeah. Should you read it? Yeah.

Uemura-kun ha Majime na Iiko

Complete | megane | 2018 released

Yes oh god please. This is the shit I need more of. Someone message me if you have more smutty fluff, I’ve been looking for it everywhere. (What I mean by smutty fluff, a lot of sex, not much drama, no rape, no black mail, all consent, and that good shit).