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JGheartManga's manga / #Mystery(29)

Missing Nine

Ongoing | 2 percent,Mongddang | 2000 released

I don’t really read mystery type plots, but this seems interesting and entertaining enough. MC guy also cheats on his gf with MC girl

Killing Stalking

Complete | koogi | 2016 released

Dammit. So intriguing. Even the rape, incest and violence had me turning pages. Geeze *hangs head in shame*. Update ending: what was the ending? I’m confused AF

Koujitsuei no Tobira

Complete | Shoowa | 2000 released

4.5 stars. This was way better than what I expected. There was mystery, smut, some romance.... The non related incest part was all adoption stuff so all good! 1. Koujitsuei no Tobira 2. Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai 3. Non Tea Room

Stalker's Game

Complete | TAN | 2000 released

Shit don’t make sense


Complete | Team Hitman | 2018 released

Any smut scenes are tastefully washed over. There’s some hot/washed over scenes (like D grabbing, covered up masturbating scenes, talk of smut) but we never really get the goods. Update: smut scenes are still tasteful but also more obvious towards the end. Tagged a switch tag cos main MC guy is seme to other MC, but uke for villain in the past. Update ch92: Jesus! plot effing twist! Rape, betrayal memory loss... omg Ending: the villain got away with it with no repercussions! And the victim got over it and made out with his partner straight after? Geezus

Anata ni Hana o Sasagemashou

Complete | ohmi tomu | 2000 released

If you’re looking for sexy, graphic smut, you won’t find it here. But what you will get is no cheating, dedicated partners, no annoying heroine and some super tame love making scenes. Oh and you also have to wade through chapters and chapters of ghost mystery solving.

A Night to Remember Webtoon

Complete | Gwa-in | 2000 released

A ghost/body-swap story that looks like slow burn mystery that may annoy me as the story unfolds... Update: DNF @ch8 - boring but not the worst story. Just lost interest cos I’m a romance junkie and this ain’t the style for me.


Complete | Fujoking | 2000 released


Complete | Xavier Mayne,Pyeongcho | 2000 released

4.5 stars. Kinda just cut off with nice but unsatisfying HFN, not HEA. I still enjoyed it but can’t put it in my favourites list.

Trace Of You

Complete | AG | 2000 released

Love it! No smut or scenes.