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its_haatooo's manga / #destiny(1)

Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo

Complete | yoshio akira | 2015 released

OMGGGGGG NO WORDS CAN TELL HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS STORYYYY!! reading this with the audio drama brings more life to it and i just freaking love itttt!! keiji and hiro are my babieeees i love them vv much and they deserve more happiness ack the angst of keiji rejecting hiro brought tears to my eyes (just like them both ack) like that hurts i want moreeee of their relationship!! also hiro is such a cutie patotieeee, keiji pls protect that boi but ik you are the one who should be protected, technically BWHAHAHAHAHA im ready to read kamisawa's storyyyyyy!! more angst to gooooo