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KNS's manga / #reincarnation(50)

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru

Complete | Odagiri Hotaru | 2006 released

Honestly, would tell people to not bother reading it. It starts off great and they introduce so many characters with such good potentional for a facinating story but the plot keeps referring ambiguously to the past, question are all left unanswered. Everybody tells the main character some sort of betrayal took place but when questioned, give very vague responses. You keep reading because a part of it draws you in but you will constantly get frustrated.

They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter

Complete | Bi Chu,KIM Legna | 2016 released

Doctor Elise

Complete | Mini,Yuin | 2000 released

Last ch read 134. Elise fails at her shit attempt to get Lindon to forgive murders and green haired noble's bastard dead collapses, will presumably be saved by Elise.

Tensei Shichattayo (iya, gomen)

Ongoing | Headphone Samurai,Yatoyaniwa | 2000 released

Survive as the Hero's Wife

Ongoing | nokki (녹끼),abin (아빈) | 2000 released

Evil stepmother. Playing both sides, trying to avoid execution

The Justice of Villainous Woman

Complete | Sola,Min , redice | 2000 released

Stopped at ch 126. Lost interest

La Dolce Vita di Adelaide

Complete | Chae habin,Suho, kim bomi | 2000 released