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well shit's manga / #supernatural(5)

Angel Buddy

Complete | Mastergin,Chungnyun | 2019 released
2020-06-16 21:34 marked


The Art of Taming A Tiger

Complete | Kom | 2019 released

Yaoi ghosbusters!!!!!!!!!! Its a light read, the plot was really solid but kind of sad it fell a bit flat with a lot of things unexplained. The ending was insanely rushed too but after reading the author’s note and seeing how they polished season 1 more compared to season 3 (where they kind of just throw everything in there lol) it explains a lot lol A bit sad tho bc theres so much potential!! And its hilarious how the author didnt expect readers to love yeom oh/yeom ra LMAO the homoerotic tension was INSANE it was lowkey giving hannigram lol which is another funny thing bc why did the author pop the hell off in writing their story, their backstory rly stole the show for me its so good??? Even the initial plan of yoonjae and beomjin’s enemies to lovers dynamic was so tasty?? The potential angst we could have gotten.. i love puppy young ml x tsun older mc, dont get me wrong but it was so . Bland, maybe bc they got together/attraction pretty quickly in the story and didnt let their dynamic grow? Idk man damn… anyways had a good rant review to myself in my room so im not as bummed out now. Would’ve given a 3/5 bc the pacing in panels and plot (especially characters’ relationships,, unresolved plot holes uwaa) fell flat but gonna make it 4/5 bc cmon its ghosbusters bl. The ghosts gave me goosebumps when i read it at night LMAO. Overall just a fun read, dont get your hopes too high with the plot.

Big Apple

Complete | Harusari,Hodot | 2019 released

YEAHHHH the whole secret agents premise was so so good and fun, REFRESHING EVEN but idk WHY i was so convinced in the beginning that juergen was part of the knights templar. like i was hyped up for a “theyre lovers but theyre secret spies of different opposing factions OH NAUR forbidden, star crossed lovers!!!” BUT NO!! They were from the same faction??? And it just boggled me bc then what is the conflict really… like youre in the same faction, fighting for the same cause, joachim’s conflict was so illogically written i found myself rereading his monologues so many times bc his conflic could have been solved easily if he just talked it out with yuergen? Theyre spies? Why are they acting so unprofessionally? I was getting frustrated with joachim’s resolve on “not wanting to burden” yuergen and ALWAYS not being strict with that resolve, he always falls right back to yuergen whenever they have sex and its sooooooo redundant? Yuergen was such a flat character too, i was expecting to a see his pov when joachim fell into the dragon lair but we only got a dialogue retelling???????????? Bro…. Thats your chance to show a side of yuergen being desperate for joachim AND his acceptance into being a dragon, and u left that out OFF SCENE??? AUTHOR WHY?????? Atp i was so turned off from the story bc no amount of sex can save the flat characters and plot. It was so ???????? Huh?????? Even in the epilogue i couldnt find a reason to like juergen that much bc what was even his reason to like joachim and vice versa??? Sexual compatibility sure but they didnt share any personal information to bond over???? Like at LEAST something cliche like “oh he understood my feelings of isolation and loneliness like no other” was enough but not even that lmao AND HELLO WE DIDNT EVEN GET A FUNNY LIL SIDE STORY ON WHY JUERGEN EVEN GOT HIS DICK BEADED. LIKE WHAT WAS THE REASON?? WAS IT A DARE?? A DRUNK DECISION?? IM MORE CURIOUS ON THAT THAN THE DAMN PLOT NOW WORLDBUILDING. Pray tell what the fuck was the templar’s existence even for. I hate when stories like this promise such a big and promising plot point only for it to fall on its ass flat as hell. WHY. Like sure templars bad they side with gangsters and crime syndicates but WHY???????? They seem old fashioned and rely on magic. Where did the magic came from??? How and why were they formed???? So the SIA is in the woodworks with the lord of the city but what about the templars’ motives???? What is going AWNNNN. I always pride mysef in understanding even the most complicated plot but this is just. The plot holes are INSANE???? AND WHAT BECOMES OF JUERGEN NOW HES THE LORD OF NYC (which is such a corny ass title btw) like sure the higher ups know but how was it revealed??? Why and how was he in the SIA?? What hppens to Shadow?? Does he get promoted??? HUH And youre telling me, all of this chaos was bc yvonne wanted to dip her og dragon body???? if SIA doesnt solve crimes shes gonna get angry???? For what???? She doesnt even seem that emotionally attached to the city, and shes the most powerful being what would a few mishaps even do to her?? All this just bc she wants to orchestrate a scenario where juergen gets awakened??? NO WIND THAT BACK explain in more detail about joachim’s body is compatible with juergen like whats the lore here. How would yvonne know they would hit it off physically?????? She knows of the third method of dragon awakening but still why joachim?? And all of this just bc she wants a damn vacation??? HUH?????? IT DOESNT MAKE ANY CENTS….. AND NOW UR TELLING ME SIA AND TEMPLARS ARE BUDDY BUDDY BC JUERGEN IS LORD OF THE CITY??? Whats with the ominous plot tension between the two factions in the first place . AND ONE THING THAT PISSED ME OFF THE MOST: stop STOP giving joachim the most insane, silly ass plot armor. I know yvonne and robert were in on it and wanted joachim to be the link to awaken yuergen . But yall could have just killed him at the dragon lair and force the awakening. LIKE BE EVIL. WHATS THIS LUKE WARMED “i’ll let you choose” BULLSHIT. WHAT??????? 3 times !! 3 TIMES joachim got the “i’ll let u choose/off” plot armor. Im PISSEDDDDD. I think the reason im this heated is bc i let this story sit for a year yall. NAY 2 years and expected a solid, decent plot. But there were so many plot holes. AND IM ANGRY bc this is my favourite dynamic. Ml borderline yandere behaviour. OBSESSED AND POSSESIVE. IN AN AGENT UNDERCOVER TROPE. We could have had a masterpiece. How could u fumble it this bad. And when the artist said they were worried they wouldnt be able to portray juergen and joachim’s relationship properly. SADLY YEAH. It wasnt even well written type of flawed character. Its the poorly executed one where they have 0 charisma and likability. GAHHH im pissed at how long i left this aside. So SOO much potential. World building was promising, the trope was there and the insane, emotionally codependent couple dynamic was perfect even…. Sigh. SIGHHHBBHHBBBHHH.

Radio Storm

Complete | Lee Seon-ui | 2019 released

NOW THATS CINEMA RAHHHHHHHHH This story unfolded like a damn movie its so fluid and it rlly keeps you by the edge of your seat until the end, such an addicting page turner. 10/10, straight into the magnum opus of bls. I LOVE the plot, the world building, the characters, the relationships and the ending TTTT THE ENDINGGGG everything is so bittersweet and poignant, god i love it, the epilogue rlly gave us such a nice closure to it all. God i LOVE sak’s character. The way the author presented his character at first rlly fooled the readers into thinking he was this poor selfless and harmless mc HSJSN THEN SIKE the plot twist and his lack of empathy to everything except for lima happened and its SAUR fuckin good. THE BORDERLINE YAN BEHAVIOUR RAHHHHH love how instead of the ml being batshit insane, its the mc instead wooo!!!! Lima’s chara is also lowkey insane too bc he is so in love for sak even after everything hes seen from him lmao a total ride of die for eachother especially with the “i was made for you” “my life is yours” AHHH the joongdokfication of it all ITS SOOOOOOO DELICIOUS i love this dynamic so much,,,, yan mc and the string thats keeping mc grounded,,, author COOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the angst too, its so well written, especially with how cornered u really feel with lima and sak’s situation. Im so happy the author made them run away (elope) together,,, with the way the world was built, it only makes sense for them to run away, especially with the way lima’s resolution being “running away, then finding a place i can die on my own terms” LIKE HELL YEAH!!!! The whole cliff scene was great, the angst the tension the drama the twist!!!!!!!!!! The whump!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It reminded me of hannigram almost ,,, the final episode,,, the trust and yearning and devotion and acceptance they had for eachother,,, any scene in a bl with a cliff oh you know its gonna be phenomenal lmao Ahhh would love to see fic aus of other ships with this story, its rlly so good…… the gray morality of everything is fucking great as well bc CMAWN its literally the apocalypse in a way,, shit isnt gonna be black or white, and the author did that so well. author i love you !!!!! I fucking love unconventional love stories!!!!! ALSO The callback to sak’s beginning monologue but instead its lima’s now too and how both of their thoughts are similar is so so fucking heart wrenching bc !!! LOOK AT THEM!!! they dont need an amplifier to be on the same wavelength with each other,,, Its like those soulmate/fated stories of “had it not been fate, would u still choose me” and here even though they never verbally expressed their affection (i mean, makes sense with how they grew up), its SO clear how much they still love each other even after everything, its clear with how devoted lima is with sak and how sak is slowly adapting to not relying on the amplifier to communicate with lima. Sak might have been attracted to lima at first due to him being a caller but once everything was null, u can see his fondness growing and even if its not and saks feeling is still ambiguous, its still such a satisfying and nice way to express their relationship. With the world being as dark and grim as it is, the attraction they have and their desperation and devotion to their companionship (ay joongdok) is SO fucking romantic and feels so much more charged than a regular “yeah we like each other we are officially dating!” Kind of a way… its so good…hes a lil slow but Like sak’s getting there!! lima’s there to keep him in check of his yan tendencies lmao They have forever with each other!!! Let them wander together forever…,,, still love the beginning and ending monologue cant stop thinking about it MHM chefs kiss what a nice finishing touch author TTTT god after some of the stories ive read, this was almost like cinematic masterpiece lmao i was engaged as hell. For a good 80 chapters, author cooked and delivered above and beyond lmao. Especially for this supernatural/apocalypse genre!!!!! Love the open ending for sak and lima. Such a perfect ending. I hope they’ll never get caught !!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!! Good for them!!!!! Give them their makoto shinkai anime movie!!!!!

Goshujinsama toke dama

Complete | KOISHIKAWA Ao | 2017 released

IMMEDIATE 10/10 FULL STARS!!!!!!!!!!!! give me sweet sunshine catboy and his exhausted worker husband and i will eat that shit UPPPPPPPPPP. Kedama no.1 best wife ever, love how chigusa never corrected his colleagues from wondering if he has a cat, a wife, a cat wife, and a girlfriend LOL its so cute. And kedama is SOOOOOO fucking gender, the gender is gendering so hard i love it. But real talk i did not expect to get my heart squeezed when i read this. I was tearing up in almost every chapter bc of how earnest and sweet kedama is, especially after knowing how badly he has been treated. Like look at him as a fluffball how could people be so mean to him my heart broke at him wanting to be useful for chigusa. “If master is happy, im happy!” KEDAMA MY SWEET BOY all he wanted was to be loved…. Im gonna cry And chigusa’s character is so well fleshed out too. His character development and conflict regarding his wife’s death and how it haunted him with guilt but finally being able to move on when he met kedama… hes so endeared by kedama its so so cute i love him so much, what a gentle good giant.. love love love his emotional breakdown when he realized the possibility of kedama disappearing and how it Crushed him when he saw how much kedama cherished the cheap bracelet.. ITS ALL IN THE LITTLE THINGS. The slice of life and sweet domestic bliss they had was so sayisfying and comforting to read. Everything just felt so tender and sweet and warm they truly love each other so much,,,, Author depicted kedama’s cat traits so adorably, especially when hes in his lil fluffball form trying his absolute best despite the odds, hes the bestest catboy wife ever…. His bright innocence and genuine care in taking care of chigusa had me tearing up bc my godddd, he just wants to be useful and to not be abandoned,, its so heartbreaking im so glad the author didnt put unnecessary drama, and even without it, the story’s conflict about “loving and to be loved” still hits just as hard especially with kedama’s abadonment issues and chigusa’s guilt/grief. The slice of life is tooth achingly sweet, theyre so so damn cute. I wouldnt mind the author spanning this out in multiple volumes. I love it so much i love the characters the couple dynamic the angst the story telling the gorgeous art and wonderful panels its all 10/10. Straight to point story with a charged theme of what it means to love and be loved. This is the second work ive read from koishikawa sensei and goddamn do they know how to write and express the desperation in wanting to be loved and needed. Its heart wrenching lol what a goat