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blue's manga / #adorable(335)


Complete | Ker | 2017 released

i refuse to accept it's over. i loved this story so much, it had originality and a great concept. it was cute and fluffy from beginning to end. the ending was sweet but i need to know what he wrote, it doesn't have to be between them you can tell me. i can't wait to read this again one day and experience their beautiful story all over. sign language is a wholesome thing and i wish more people understood it and its importance to others. the author did an incredible job.


Complete | Fujoking | 2000 released

this gave me so much anxiety i couldn't read fast enough. the amount of plot twist kept me on my feet i cant wait to read more! man i honestly don’t remember reading this. i didn't even know it was finished. all i have to say is when he found out the truth about the uke losing his memory and that he wasn’t a bad guy made me happy. i hate the brother so much, no one even found out that the previous trauma was a huge factor for why he lost his memory. well, it all worked out in the end. i just hope the secretary joins the dark side and became bi or gay.

BJ alex

Complete | Mingwa | 2000 released

definitely one of my favorites!! i’m so excited for the side stories, especially since they are in color. honestly, this story was cute and alluring. the plot was good and there was amazing character development. it had enough angst for me to lose my cool but not too much for me to drop it. the two relationships are adorable and chanwoo stole my heart but MD with his hair down stole my body. this type of webtoon art style is very enjoyable to read. black and white but intense colors show important emotions or scenes. the author did great. 2022 - every time I read this again I absolutely despise jiwon. if it weren’t for me knowing the ending I would probably drop this. sweet DG deserves the world and how’s he’s being treated has my blood boiling.

Love Is An Illusion

Complete | Fargo | 2000 released
2022-01-20 02:23 marked

i'm so happy! i saw the notification and couldn't believe it. i was so upset with how chapter 72 ended with just an i like you after every single thing they went through. i hated how cold hye-sung was to dojin. but now there's a chance i can forgive hye-sung for all his wrongdoings. that was the only thing i couldn't stand in the story. man, i hope this goes well i'm excited for the rest of the story! chapter 98 - The comment section brought out the typer in me i enjoy how the author didn’t make Hye-sung an obedient omega. yes Hye-sung has been annoying and has made me mad especially when byul was born but come on he never expected that life at all. i don’t think enough people realize that Hye-sung was never going to be a “perfect parent” experiencing extensive trauma doesn’t disappear it stays with you forever. being depressed doesn’t just go away because you have a family and child. instead, you smile when you can and try keeping it together. people need to understand that Hye-sung was raised in an unhealthy environment and then when he had dreams and goals they were completely taken from him by dojin. neither one of them is perfect but people favorite dojin and preach how great of a parent he is but he's just had a healthier life and was able to adjust. he has been controlling and manipulative when he feels jealous or that Hye-sung isn’t happy. and might i add dojin violated Hye-sung and said you’re an omega everything you believe is a lie and you’re dumb for thinking different. i’m sorry but if a stranger entered my life and flipped it upside down i would despise them also. Hye-sung being an alpha was his only escape. then he gets knocked up and was manipulated into having (ever so loving byul) and people still expected him to just wake up and be a god of parenting?! some of these comments make me so sad because having trauma and mental illnesses is not something you can easily push aside, it’s not easily dealt with. when Hye-sung feels better yes talking about it can help but he will never be 100%. his life was flipped upside down and he’s not perfect but he is also young and inexperienced. he’s growing and trying. and now his dad just flipped his world upside down again and he’s broken and some of y’all expected him to just push all those emotions aside?! him smiling at byul and not running away are major stepping stones. he’s still at home he’s just hurt. byul is a baby he’s going to cry when he sees his moms upset and ofc he wants his mom but byul also has a huge group of people that care for him. let Hye-sung feel and then we can see what happens after. and also to top it off i’m pretty sure that his mom. y’all can’t say if this was you you would be okay?! maybe i’m different because if i was Hye-sung i would’ve lost my sanity by now. chapter 99.6 - i’ve been putting finishing this off for almost a year. honestly, I find the story irritating and to have too much angst. the plot is good but as i’ve said before not a fan of the relationship of the main couple and how people look down on Hye-sung. this story was not great and I think the beginning could be better but the author still did an amazing job and improved as time went by. I like how even at the end Hye-sung was still struggling. I know that can sound bad but a happy ending where all was okay would not have been pleasing to me. there is trauma and pain he has to work through, he is still young and figuring life out. all that matters is him and dumbass dojin have improved and that Hye-sung is doing his best to be a good parent for Byul. chapter 108 - crying. they adopted I love them and their lil family.

Penthouse XXX

Complete | Bacong | 2018 released

siyeon is living my dream. having powers, being a contract killer, and having a sexy boyfriend that loves him. ugh, i'm jealous.

Hinekure Sakura ni Koi ga Saku

Complete | NOBANA Saori | 2017 released
2020-05-31 04:40 marked

all for the best friend. seme brings down my mood.

I Seriously Can't Believe You...

Complete | Jimi fumikawa | 2019 released

I read this again and it was too cute. although the misunderstanding last until the very end they had decent communication skills. Kon was way too cute for his own good. the girls in this manga were respectful and Kons best friends were nice and loving. the mangaka created a fun story that was enjoyable.

Cherry Blossoms After Winter

Complete | Bamwoo | 2000 released

i decided to read this again because i did enjoy this manga greatly, the webtoon style is my favorite, the story is fluffy and cute. it makes me happy how taesung and haebom's characters develop and change over time. haebom is one of the most innocent characters i've read about and the way taesung is simping for him makes it even better. i will say one of my favorite things is the small comments under some panels by people called rei and wawwa, it makes my thoughts feel less alone when i see they agree. i have read till chapter 93 and since i've restarted i realized all of the things i have already forgotten, i still really enjoy it and cant wait ot finish it again. damn, i haven’t trusted you since i first saw you. it’s the red hair. yaoi mangas have taught me they always cause trouble! you do not want to mess with bom! taesung will protect what he cares most for till the end. man, i knew this manga was getting too peaceful. chapter 141 - so much has happened, I didn’t expect the story to be this long but i’ve enjoyed everyone moment. I don’t like long webtoons but i’ve been with this one for three years now. I can tell it's coming to an end and although i’m sad i’m incredibly happy. slowly watching as throw grow up and face the world has been a great experience.

The Last Zombie

Complete | Bamwoo | 2016 released
2020-06-02 04:29 marked

Love Shuttle

Complete | Im Ae-Ju | 2000 released

one of my most favorite omegaverses chapter 56 that guy said there’s no way i would be interested in an omega like him and then yelled don’t get in the way to taehan?!?! bitchhhhh let me at him y’all know how there is that scene where levi beats eren. for some reason i now want taehan to stomp on me as well. chapter 84 - honestly, i’ve always had this at 4 stars, I loved the story but it sometimes was irritating or the art put me off but now I can say that I rated this story 5 stars because I feel happy and complete. I felt the love and admiration they had for each other, their bond, and their desperation to understand each other. this story started rough but ended beautifully. the kids they will have will know unconditional love from their parents. now time to start over from the beginning because seeing the flashbacks made me want to see them fall in love all over again. side stories are good but that is his brother right?.. if anything the brother is the weirdo don’t tear him down cause you have a brother complex. chapter 90 it says “the end” but things were just getting good. for once I actually would like a 20 chapter side story!! update - me don’t read the side stories. past me didn’t know!! current me didn’t see the author going this path. I have been bamboozled. even if the author is like surprise shorty they aren’t related it’s too late to switch it up. the glasses alpha needs to fucking chill. he really thinks the dude would get freaky with his brother on purpose?! he was assaulted and nearly raped and instead of asking what happened and if he’s okay he went right into victim blaming. like the dude went to you for help and instead of seeing that as trust you fucking drown him pheromones, put him down, say he wants to be an omega, and not fucking ask what happened?! as a doctor you should know to ask the proper questions and that alphas fucking suck but instead you become another shitty alpha. nah i’m done with the side stories unless it’s the main couple and their baby. this is stupid and both alphas can suck my shlong.