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hese sex scenes are better than 99% of any other BLs. like damn this author really knows what she's

hate these dumbasses that call shit shounen ai just because it's softcore i mean jsut look at this t

d the sex ones too b

2/3 to each and every panel thaat i had a thought about. instead i'll just save the funny panels (an

1/3 alright i change my fucking mind i'm not gonna be an idiot and retype out each and every reactio

"senses something" yeha maybe it's the fact ehat he's about to turn back into a fucking dog (also th

3/3 s per my bookmarks) to save each panel fuck idk coddamn character limit

2/3 i'm manually goign back to every episode i read and saving the panels that i made comments on (a

back from my yaoi ban (which i couldn't even stay commited to because of this manhwa lol so now 1/2

this oneshot could do more with some show don't tell. this character redemption happened way too qui

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