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  • Drakuun  

    Other Title: Drakuun - Dragon Princess Warrior,Drakuun Ryuuhimehei,
    Author: MANABE Johji
    Genres: Comedy , Ecchi , Romance , Sci-fi ,
    Summary: In the year 2077, the Romunilian Empire holds almost complete sway over the continent of Griffel. A few rebel states still hold out, including Ledomiam, ruled by the Olzen royal family. Dragon Princess Karula, of the house of Olzen arrives in the Imperial city of Belgorand to sign a peace treaty with Emperor Gustav. Her arrival soon turns out to be an assasination attempt aimed at the Emperor ...
    Latest Chapters: Vol.4 Ch.01-06 Vol.3 Vol.2 Vol.1
Total: 1