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  • Other Title: Nihonkoku Daitouryou Sakurasaka Mantarou,
    Author: YOSHIKI Hidaka
    Genres: Action , Adventure , Drama , Seinen ,
  • Other Title: Kinnikuman Nisei Kyukyoku no Chojin Tag Arc,Kinnikuman Second genetation - The Ultimate Choujin Tag arc,
    Author: Yudetamago
    Genres: Action , Adventure , Comedy , Sci-fi , Seinen , Sports ,
    Summary: ... where when they won the universal tag team championship... Could this weird new vs old dream mean something? As he awakes from his afternoon nap, Mantarou realizes that there are some evil beings floating around the sky that call themselves Time Choujins, after sending a weird challenge they banish in tin air ...
    Latest Chapters: Vol.1 Ch.01
  • Other Title: キン肉マン2世 究極の超人タッグ編; Kinnikuman Nisei Kyukyoku no Chojin Tag Arc; Kinnikuman Second genetation, The Ultimate Choujin Tag arc;
    Author: Yudetamago
    Genres: Action ,
    Summary: ... tag team championship... Could this weird new vs old dream mean something?<br><br>As he awakes from his afternoon nap, Mantarou realizes that there are some evil beings floating around the sky that call themselves Time Choujins, after sending a weird challenge they just banish in thin ...
  • Other Title: 貞操逆転世界; 贞操逆转世界; Teisou Gyakuten Sekai;
    Author: Amahara,Mantarou
    Genres: Comedy , Ecchi , Mature , School Life , Seinen ,
    Summary: On our current society, most porn consumers are males, we are the ones who think with our d***** many times, we worship the female body and our society, products, advertisements and many other things are centered around that.

    But, what if it wasn't that way?

    What if, instead of men being the ones controlled by their sexual urges, women were the ones who bought porn magazines and had ...
  • Other Title: ザ・ヒステリックトリガー
    Author: Yui Manakami,Mantarou Kanou
    Genres: Action , Supernatural ,
    Summary: There was a girl who could read people's "minds". Her name is Emma Wallers. She is a trainee of the American unofficial intelligence unit "CAT" who is trying to find her mother's killer the "Lollipop Man". A cutie girl with outstanding fighting ability! Falling into a pit!! Revenge story of entertainment power Mashimashi ON FIRE!!!
    Latest Chapters: Ch.1
Total: 5