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Warau Ishi

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Arita Keiichirou 2014 released.
Horror / Shounen
嗤う石; Supernatural a Laughing Stone; A Laughing Stone Ghost
Vol.2 Ch.9
Vol.2 Ch.8 : The worst is still to come.
Vol.2 Ch.7 : A Laughing Stone Ghost, Part 2: “Bonds”
51 voted


Ataru Natsumeda is a withdrawn first year in high school, unable to rise above mediocrity. His parents are on bad terms with each other, so Ataru leads a lonely, gloomy life. His sister Tsukimi is endowed with both wit and beauty, which causes Ataru to have a severe inferiority complex. One day, Ataru gets bullied again by delinquents who are after his beautiful sister. His classmate Nirasaki witnesses this, and asks Ataru, “Why didn’t you just tell them to piss off and die?” Soon after, she passes the mysterious “wishing stone” to Ataru with a kiss, as if she’s restraining him from asking any further questions. Rumor has it that this “wishing stone” can make any wish come true! Having obtained this stone, Ataru wishes for the delinquents to die! And within a moment, the three delinquents die bizarre deaths!! What is this “wishing stone” …? Who is Nirasaki…? And what will be the fate of Ataru Natsumeda, who has set foot into this horrible world…?!

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People are sharing things

Make yourself in profile maker part 2!
if u ignore the fact im whiter this is pretty accurate
Make yourself in profile maker part 2!
There's alot of skin shades
Make your self in profile maker
they dont got my hair length so i went with the closest one..
Make yourself in profile maker part 2!
Nose bandage cas got fried up in taekwondo

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did being in a wlw relationship

we went from wlw to mlm <3 then to besties lol

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Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

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did being in a wlw relationship

my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world (i tell her this everyday)

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