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Adam & Eve

Hideo Yamamoto , Ryouichi Ikegami 2016 released.
Action / Drama / Seinen
Adam to Eve; アダムとイブ
Vol.2 Ch.15 : The Final Proof Of Their Existence
Vol.2 Ch.14 : Romantic Sperm
Vol.2 Ch.13 : Perfectly
60 voted


A murderous intent without form attacks the yakuza!
In the declining yakuza society, the elites bridge the barriers between their organizations and hold a meeting to decide how they will survive as yakuza. In the midst of their excitement, the footsteps of an invisible pair draw closer, bringing the stench of violence with them!

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People are sharing things

most of these are just soulmate au but horny. imagine asking someone if they are a fork
Ugliest ML (or MC)
I’m sorry to all the simps who love him but I’m terrified of this man
this is worse than skibidi toilet brainrot
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People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

bad-ish, failed one class and almost had to go to summer school for that but they weren't offering it for the class I failed lol

1 hours
did going to concerts

One of my favorite things in the world to do

5 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

finals week woohoo

10 hours

These lists have this manga