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Dream Gold

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Nakanishi Tatsurou 0 released.
Adventure / Fantasy / Mystery / Shounen
Vol.2 Ch.10
Vol.2 Ch.09
Vol.2 Ch.06-08
0 voted


Plot: In a world where technology and magic fuel the dream for riches, the Knights of the Dark City are sent out to find the hidden treasures that the world craves. Kurorat Jio Clocks, the clever rat of Higurashi Street, will join the Knights in their frantic hunt for wealth, and for the ultimate prize - Dream Gold. All who search for treasure search for Dream Gold, but this quest will yield one winner...

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Vol.2 Ch.10

Jan 27, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.09

Jan 27, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.06-08

Jan 27, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01

Jan 27, 2011


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