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Fura Furo

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Kaneko Masaru 2008 released.
Comedy / Seinen / Slice Of Life
ふら・ふろ; Flat & Flow
Vol.1 Ch.6
Vol.1 Ch.5 : The Absence of God
Vol.1 Ch.4 : Remnants of Summer
2 voted


Meet Natsu and Hana, the two young women who are the managers of a beat-up apartment building, as they try to find tenants, upkeep the place, and generally have a good time.

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People are sharing things

What made you first read yaoi?
Gacha life those bl gacha life mini movies and I think a lot of persons can relate to this
What made you first read yaoi?
Back then the only manwhas I read are those historical/medieval reincarnation shoujo, and ...
sucking your own dick
Its time to re connect with society is what i would normally say but this guy needs to be ...
sucking your own dick
Okay the jelly clumps part made me gag. wtf
What made you first read yaoi?
my older sister was the one who reads yaoi and then I got curious so I started reading in ...

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