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Azure Dream

Morishima Akiko 2009 released.
Drama / Slice Of Life / Yuri
瑠璃色の夢; Ruriiro no Yume; Honey & Mustard; On a Night When the Moon Is Full; Princess of the Stars; Season of the 20-Year-Old Virgin ~Virgin Season~; Soft-Boiled Fujoshi
Vol.1 Ch.10 : Honey & Mustard: Side B-2
Vol.1 Ch.9 : Honey & Mustard: Side B-1
Ch.7.1 : Extra 1 - Soft-Boiled Fujoshi ~Before Winter Comiket~ (from Sayuri-h...
352 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

1) Ruriiro no Yume (Azure Dream)
A woman sleeps with her co-worker one night. Both are interested in more, but there's something standing in the way: the protagonist's dreams for the future.
2) Princess of the Stars
Takes a look at the realities of being in a relationship.
3) Honey & Mustard
4) Nostalgia
About the relationship between a widow and the woman who has always loved her.
5) Virgin Season
The next story in the 20-Musumex30-Otome series. Emi and Keiko have trouble finding time to spend together.
6) Mangetsu no Yoru ni wa (On a Night When the Moon is Full)
Keiko and Emi go on a trip together.
7) Soft-Boiled Fujoshi (Hanjuku Joshi side story)
"Soft-Boiled Fujoshi" is about a minor character from Hanjuku Joshi. Moe is more important to fujoshi than love is... or is it?

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