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I am not a son of doom

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Yoousi X Yoousi 2019 released.
Fantasy / Martial Arts
I am not a sinner; I'm really not the son of doom; 我真的不是厄运之子
Ch.2 : Three Eyes
11 voted


What is the experience of being jealous of God? Eyebrows give birth to three eyes, doom-ridden, dead wife at the beginning...In order to resurrect his beloved, the cursed earth boy Gu Que used his "doom physique" to find artifacts, cut princes, fight all over the land of gods and demons, and collect countless beauties... and finally became a generation of robbery. the Lord!

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Sep 14, 2022


Feb 16, 2021

Ch.2 : Three Eyes

Feb 16, 2021

Ch.1 : Coffin Bearer

Feb 16, 2021


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