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Inside The Cave Of Obscenity

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Umetane , Afukuro 2021 released.
Vol.2 Ch.10 : A Harmony of Sweet Moans
Vol.2 Ch.11 : Escape
56 voted


A world where the Demon King was defeated by a Hero that came from another world. People carelessly forgot about their fear of the Demon King and of monsters, living in peace. In a forgotten and run-down cave in the mountains, a new monster that should not have been born was given birth. The monster’s name was the “Black Ooze”. It was nothing exceptional other than its black color, an ordinary slime. However, this slime had the special characteristic of being able to take the abilities of the living things it swallowed. It preyed on an insect that had paralytic poison, as well as other animals. Following that, it attacked a human, obtaining his knowledge and Desire. Before long, the monster established its target as the female mage that came to explore the cave. This world still wasn’t aware. A Monster Was Born…

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