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Four Kisses, in Secret

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Ruri Kamino 2019 released.
Shoujo / Romance
Kisu wa kossori to. ; Kosoicha; Let's Kiss Anyone Secretly ; A staring-out game ; Mitsume Ai Game ; キスはこっそりと ; 見つめあいゲーム
Ch.4 : Staring Game
Ch.3 : sempai's Little Sheep
Ch.2 : Devour Me, Mr.Wolf
595 voted


• Mami has just 14 days before she graduates, which means she has 14 days to confess to her crush, Harutaka-kun, before she moves away and never sees him again. • Saya Yagi's one wish is to hear "that's delicious," from her boss, Ogami-kun. • Hitsuji has somehow become entangled with older brother's friend, Shiro-sempai, who swears he needs her next to him to get a (totally innocent...) good night's rest. • Usami can't seem to shake her troublesome younger classmate...until she finds maybe she didn't want to lose him after all. Read all four of their sweet love stories in the Four Kisses, in Secret short story collection! [Originally uploaded on]

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