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Lovely Cinderella

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Myo Myo Myo 0 released.
러블라이 신데렐라;
46 voted


"Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere!"
In order to join the top 1% club "Iris", Lara and Mimo travel all over the country looking for a man with the emblem to lead them to the club . After moving to city A, Lara saves Seonhwa from a suicide attempt to catch her boyfriend, and finds out that Seonhwa's boyfriend Namgoong Jaewoo is a member of "Iris". Lara approaches Namgung Jae-woo to achieve her goal... Like a flower blooming in the mud, their bubbly and lively men's scavenger hunt!

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Jul 16, 2021


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did survived suicide

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did how are u guys doing in school

I'm still crying. I should've done better. I have so many regrets. I'm scared because I can't see my future. I'm high achiever yet I fell.

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