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Music of Marie

FURUYA Usamaru 0 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Sci-fi / Seinen
Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku,Marieの奏でる音楽,Muzyka Marie,The Music of Marie,
Vol.2 Ch.09-16
Vol.1 Ch.00-08
43 voted


A fantasy epic of truly magnificent scale with gorgeous illustrations. In just two volumes, the author manages to create an incredibly rich and fascinating world that is full of wonders and enchanting beauties. A world in which men are watched over by the mechanical goddess Marie who at times appears on the sky. Marie's music brings people happiness and harmony. Their life is free from advanced technology and the longing for progress. The main story centers around Kai, a young man who develops a deep affection for Marie. His quest for enlightenment leads him inside Marie's mechanical body where he learns the unbelievable truth about her and his own world.

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Vol.2 Ch.09-16

Dec 11, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.00-08

Dec 11, 2011


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