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Mr. Applicant

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Takayama Shinobu 2011 released.
Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Shoujo
Ch.6 : :
Ch.5 : :
Ch.4 : :
10 voted


The locomotive called the Rainbow Stone Train runs, not on electricity, but on the energy source called, "Rainbow Stone." Inside, the train is split; from the extremely high class Evening carriage, to the average Afternoon carriage, and finally, to the cheap, but cramped and noisy, Morning carriage.
Employed as a crew member of Morning, Toky Towy struggles daily by the side of his strict superior. While going through various encounters and farewells again and again, he...

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Ch.6 : :

Jan 1, 2012

Ch.5 : :

Jan 1, 2012

Ch.4 : :

Jan 1, 2012

Ch.3 : :

Jan 1, 2012

Ch.2 : :

Jan 1, 2012

Ch.1 : :

Jan 1, 2012


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