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Toyoda Tetsuya 2008 released.
One Shot / Seinen / Slice Of Life
とんかつ; ゴーグル; スライダー; ミスター・ボージャングル; 古書月の屋買取行; 海を見に行く; Goggles
Ch.6 : Tonkatsu
Ch.5 : Let's go see the Ocean
Ch.4 : Tsuki no Ya's Sales and Purchases
21 voted


A collection of short stories.
1. Slider What happens when a group of misfits run into the god of poverty? Mischief and house break-ins, that's what.
2. Mister Bojangles Follows the journey of a Detective looking for a man who went by the name of "Mister Bo".
3. Goggles A stubborn young girl comes tumbling into the barren wasteland of the lives of these two men. She can't take off her goggles, and the reason is...
4. Tsuki no Ya's Sales and Purchases Two friends ride around in a car debating over their used book store.
5. Let's go see the Ocean A prequel to Goggles the young girl goes to the beach with her grandfather.
6. Tonkatsu An old man goes looking for the tonkatsu from his youth by going to every restaurant serving it one by one.

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