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Mr. Teacher

Monsieur Le Prof , Catsass 2020 released.
Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
Monsieur Le Prof
Ch.7 : Wiwi at Physio
Ch.5 : Watching A Movie
Ch.4 : The Simple Present
2 voted


William (who calls himself Wiwi in his head) is not your typical English teacher. The reason? He tends to be even less mature than his students. He’s headstrong, a tad bit vindictive and a rascal. Come along and discover how this teacher survives being surrounded by students with strange questions, colleagues who are just as crazy as he is, management who keeps him under close surveillance, and shoddy equipment that is ready to break down at any moment. In this Webtoon you’ll get to stand on the other side of the desk and discover the secrets of the classroom!

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