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My Dear Fluffy Boy (Yaoi)

My Dear Fluffy Boy (Yaoi)
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Nyannya 2022 released.
Adult / Romance / Yaoi
82 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

A good-natured guy who aspires to be an egoist x A natural furry boy
Long-awaited spin-off of the popular "Sweetheart Trigger"!

Brad, who has been suffering from insomnia due to a broken heart, happens to meet Noah, a young runaway.
Brad's whim brings him to live with Noah, but Noah's "Furry" (a hobby that loves anthropomorphic animal characters), combined with Brad's own pace, tends to make him do things that Brad doesn't like.

In order to put the past behind him, Brad decides to try "self-centered love" and plans to take advantage of Noah, but then a mysterious man appears before him...?

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