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Ohimesama no Kagami

Morinaga Milk 2000 released.
Comedy / School Life / Shoujo Ai
お姫様の鏡; Ohimesama no Himitsu; Ohimesama no Kagami; The Princess's Mirror;
Vol.1 Ch.6.5 : Extra [End]
425 voted


The principal's valuable vase has been broken the school prince and volley-ball club ace, Fujiwara-senpai. "Don't tell anyone, I'll do anything you say!" Having witnessed the incident, Miu, on the spur of the moment, chose to go out with her senpai. Over the course of the dating, Miu became attracted to her senpai's surprising frankness, but by then, it was too late to say her true feelings. This is how she came to fall in love with her senpai. A bittersweet highschool romance.

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did chat about anything

i genuinely talk tm both irl&online since i was younger like i js dont stfu for example i’ve answered sm of these thingies for wat…

2 hours
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i was playing karaoke game n got the words wrong after loudly announcing ‘i love this song’ like 2 seconds before..still sang th rest tho :D

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this is so irrelevant w out context(n in general too)but i’ll say it anyway, i caught a blazing lion in my lure :3 idk wht 2 do w it tho

2 hours

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