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Otoko no ko Catalog (Yaoi)

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TAKAHASHI Yuu 0 released.
Boys Catalog,Otokonoko Catalog,Otokonoko Catalogue,
Vol.1 Ch.06
Vol.1 Ch.05
Vol.1 Ch.04
243 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Keita, a highschool student, witnessed a kiss scene between Shin, his close friend and Megumi senpai, a repeating student in his class. Although senpai is cute, he's a guy and when Keita criticized that, Shin started to cry and said: "Because I fall in love with him". When looking at his best friend whom he's proud because of his good looks, being changed completely, Keita's feelings get confused...

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.1 Ch.06

Feb 13, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.05

Jan 8, 2012

Vol.1 Ch.04

Jan 8, 2012

Vol.1 Ch.03

Jan 8, 2012

Vol.1 Ch.02

Jan 8, 2012

Vol.1 Ch.01

Jan 8, 2012


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