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Majutsu Wo Kiwamete Tabi Ni Deta Tensei Elf, Moteamashita Jumyou De Ikeru Densetsu To Naru

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Sakakibara Monsho 2022 released.
Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Vol.1 Ch.3
199 voted


This the long tale of a reincarnated elf who become a living legend!After his ordinary life came to an end in an accident, Minoru was reincarnated as an elf who have a average lifespan of 1000 years. Due to the regret of not being able to do anything in his previous life, he decided to leave his village and travel in this life to leave behind evidence that he once lived in this world . However, the head of the elf clan imposes a certain trial—!?

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Apr 3, 2024


Jan 18, 2024

Vol.1 Ch.3

Aug 1, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.2 : Chapter 2

Jun 29, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jun 29, 2023


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Have you ever thought of killing yourself?
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