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Tonari No Danshi

Yokoyama Mayumi 2008 released.
Comedy / One Shot / Romance / Shoujo
Vol.1 Ch.0
84 voted


Satoshi and Satomi are childhood friends who have been trying to outdo each other in everything since they were small. Christmas is coming, and they’ve started a new challenge to see who can get a date for Christmas first! It seems that Satoshi might wi

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Vol.1 Ch.0

Jan 14, 2011


People are sharing things

What’s an anime opening/ending that gets stuck in your head like crazy?
ofc maid sama's op and eds LIKE ???? and the band's songs too omg i miss them bro DOUKAA...
What’s an anime opening/ending that gets stuck in your head like crazy?
Mine is... 世界は恋に落ちている 光の矢胸を射す / sekai wa koi ni ochite ...
fictional & irl romance
hehe update yall i ended up having a crush on the said guy
Yapping sessions anyone?
i miss lineplay so bad like i didnt rlly care about it when it was there but when it was c...

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