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Tsundere Yakuza to Chippai-chan

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Kanamori Keita 2000 released.
Drama / Romance
ツンデレヤクザとちっぱいちゃん コワモテ極道の溺愛飼育;
Vol.2 Ch.6
Vol.2 Ch.5
Vol.1 Ch.4
460 voted


[Macaron Scans]
Michi has lived with the belief that "If you want to be loved, start by believing.” Due to her honest and nice personality, she agreed to be the guarantor of her boss when he loaned money. Unfortunately, her boss ran away and now she has to pay instead of him. At that time, a guy helped her shoulder the debt, but in exchange for him paying, she has to be his pet.

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.2 Ch.6

Jun 18, 2021

Vol.2 Ch.5

May 29, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.4

May 17, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.3

Mar 16, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.2

Feb 28, 2021

Vol.1 Ch.1

Feb 28, 2021


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