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Uno-Ke No Hitobito

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Sahori 2022 released.
Drama / Shoujo / Slice Of Life
Vol.1 Ch.5 : From 50 Years Ago
Vol.1 Ch.4 : Four In The Family
Vol.1 Ch.3 : Third Anniversary
9 voted


Kazuki of the Uno family decides to come back home after having problems back in the city. He arrives back home to find his family has...changed in a surprising way.

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People are sharing things

Near-death experiences?
nearly got kicked in the stomach by a cow when i was 6, my unalive body would've been floa...
Biggest turn on??
when they respond to my texts within a day
Biggest turn off?
when they're loud or shout to prove a point #-.-) like, i would've heard you if you sa...
What mangas or webtoons have you dropped and why?
i drop a ton of things bc i just happen to not like them (usually bc of romance, misunders...
Biggest turn on??
I hate relationship, why do people fall in love easily... It disgusts me to the climax., n...

People are doing

want to do applying edging to your life


11 hours
did going to concerts

4x Iron maiden, b.i,dreamcatcher,2x The Rose,Rina sawayama,twenty one pilots,The 1975..i still wanna go to so many more like ateez & skz

16 hours
did going to concerts

Enhypen (1st concert), P1harmony (didn't rlly know them but <3 them now), Plan to go to: TXT & Childish Gambino(!!!)

17 hours

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