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Kataomoi Shoten

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Hata Akimi 2000 released.
かたおもい書店; 书店恋爱单行线
Vol.2 Ch.8 : Sales Log 8
Vol.2 Ch.7 : Abnormalities at the Unrequited Love Frontlines!
Vol.2 Ch.6 : Love is a Merciless Queen of the Night
198 voted


 Oogaki Mebae’s love of manga has led her to her dream job of working with comics in a bookstore. As an absurdly hard worker (and ninja-clan descendant?), she is doing her best to learn all she can about the comic sales world from Serizawa-san, her mysterious and talented superior who always ends up teasing her. She may just end up with her own manga-like love story…

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