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Shiroi Kumo

Iwaoka Hisae 2004 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Seinen / Slice Of Life
しろいくも; Hoppie's Bear; White Clouds
Ch.5 : White Clouds
Ch.13 : Hoppie's Bear
Vol.1 Ch.14 : To a Certain Place
27 voted


Includes the following short stories:
1. Once Upon a Time
A lost little girl wants to find her way home...
2. See You Next Time
A girl calmly reminisces about her dead friend.
3. Imp in the Night
A little imp wonders why he's afraid of the night.
4. Sakura Antique Store
The story of an old watch sitting in the window display of the Sakura Antique Store.
5. Shiroi Kumo
A beautiful and touching story about life, death, and the heartening belief that we will all arrive at the same place when our time has come.
6. Molehill
The story of a young mole who decides to become human so that he can see his girlfriend's face...
7. The Lands of Dreams
A girl is trapped in an endless dream...
8. Grape Picking
Two teachers discuss the godliness of children.
9. Let's Go Home
10. The Story of the Flower
11. The Road Where Flowers Bloom
12. Egg Water
13. Hoppie's Bear
One day, office worker Kurata encounters a strange girl in the city. The girl, who wears a bear “head mask” all the time, moonlights at her dad’s restaurant. Thus begins an unusual friendship between the lovelorn man and the mature girl…
14. "To a Certain Place"

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