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Amber By Night

Sharon Sala 2008 released.
Josei / Romance
夜は別の顔; Yoru wa Betsu no Kao
410 voted


Amelia is a typical bookworm librarian. But she has a secret. At night, she works as a provocatively dressed waitress named Amber. One night as she's working as usual, she spots Tyler, the town's most sexy man, and the guy Amelia has been admiring for sometime. As soon as he sees her, he approaches her, not realizing that she is, in fact, Amelia...!

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Apr 24, 2011


People are sharing things

Which yaoi character are you?
I guess this time I'll choose taku~
You committed theft and your favorite character is defending you in court. How c...
Idk man I think I might trust lloyd, but idk.. ( ̄∇ ̄")
sup gang
hey yall im here to yap a lil abt losing my best friend bc it was honestly the worst thing...

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

You pat me on the head!
You took me out to wine, dine, 69 me.
But didn't hear a damn word I said!

9 hours
did get an ear piercing

And I want more!!

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did song lyrics stuck in head

Ontem comi pipoca com sallll

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