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To be continue... / Back to Good Hunter & Bad Prey


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People are sharing things

Can you easily identify ‘roles’ in BL?
honestly the positioning of the main characters on the cover also has a lot to do with it....
Yapping sessions anyone?
I HATE THE ROYALTY IN BLACK CLOVER!!!! I just started it like the first of this month and ...
Can you easily identify ‘roles’ in BL?
I will tell you how I identify them. It isn't with who os more feminine or masculine (BOTH...
Yapping sessions anyone?
I always have to much to say so this'll be fun. Yes I wrote it in number point form (1-20)...
Can you easily identify ‘roles’ in BL?
I've very VERY rarely been surprised by the roles in BL even "unconventional semes/ukes" s...

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

cause i think i've fallen
in love this time
i blinked and suddenly, i had a valentine

5 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Maybe we got lost in translation

16 hours
want to do make fujoshi friends

where can I buy some???

2 days

These lists have this manga