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People are sharing things

Opinion on rival ukes?
Also when it comes to BL turning into a heteronormative playground. No man or gay man that...
What made you first read yaoi?
i was reading the third ending from the start and it suddenly turned yaoi from shounen ai,...
Opinion on rival ukes?
Hate it if they're pure rivals, love it when they end up together (which is very less, gen...
What made you first read yaoi?
I saw a tiktok slideshow abt bj alex, the art style got me I am #-.-)
Opinion on rival ukes?
never understood why and probably never will

People are doing

did lgbt

Happy pride month

2 hours
did make a picrew

I love people who give these picrew links

7 hours
did touched grass

pollen is just plant cum and that's very funny to me for some reason

19 hours

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