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To be continue... / Back to Solo Auto-Hunting


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People are sharing things

Yapping sessions anyone?
i miss lineplay so bad like i didnt rlly care about it when it was there but when it was c...
Yapping sessions anyone?
Im hungry, feel like wasting my money on delivery food again, have been ordering for 2 mon...
Save the baby so I can finally die
I don't think i could ever live knowing that a baby was supposed to live instead of me eve...
Nah I’m conflicted I wanna live but I also want the baby to live so damn double homicide...

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

I bet on losing dogssss

3 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

We're such a mess together
You make me lose my temper

9 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves

11 hours

These lists have this manga