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To be continue... / Back to The Sound of Fire


Other manga by the same author(s)


People are sharing things

Worst comedic trope/cliche?
Anime comedies are horrible!! I absolutely resent these two animes and their existence. Th...
What mangas or webtoons have you dropped and why?
Pearl Boy....I loved the art so much and really wanted to enjoy it but jfc there's so much...
Y’all got show/movie recs?
What happened to Monday (action movie), YuYu Hakso (anime), Kodocha( anime), Kimi ni todok...
Y’all got show/movie recs?
Creep, The ritual, The conjuring 1,2,3,4 and 5 the new movie is invalid ‍‍Gonjiam haun...
What mangas or webtoons have you dropped and why?
i see some of manhwa and manga that i dropped already mentioned in this list, but I'll add...

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want to do applying edging to your life


13 hours
did going to concerts

4x Iron maiden, b.i,dreamcatcher,2x The Rose,Rina sawayama,twenty one pilots,The 1975..i still wanna go to so many more like ateez & skz

18 hours
did going to concerts

Enhypen (1st concert), P1harmony (didn't rlly know them but <3 them now), Plan to go to: TXT & Childish Gambino(!!!)

19 hours

These lists have this manga