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just in case yall dont know yesterday was Ugetsu's, Hisoka and Azzkun's birthday. I love ...
so uhh help me? please?
Lie, come up with some bullshit ass secret they will believe.
so uhh help me? please?
For me if they ask questions about it, it’s because they already know part of it. No rea...
need advice for crush
i got this one guy i like for half a year, at first I didnt like him but just get this vib...
Please greet my dad a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
ackkkkkkk HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my king

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did how are u guys doing in school

It's time for plan C

1 hours
did please help im dying


5 hours
want to do going to concerts

I wanna see Ateez so bad

9 hours

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