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The End / Back to Welcome to Cafe Schrödinger


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You committed theft and your favorite character is defending you in court. How c...
Getting out illegally since he's a hitman... but also there is a high possibility he has a...
You committed theft and your favorite character is defending you in court. How c...
My fave character is Gojo! My ass is cooked he finna be like "Yowai mo" (╯°Д °)╯�...
You committed theft and your favorite character is defending you in court. How c...
He's a goofy ass model with zero common sense. He's the hottest commodity, but I'm crisp a...
Make your self in profile maker
i tried, curly hair options wouldve be nice tho

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did song lyrics stuck in head

"Oh my love, is this the end for us?"

4 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

I bet on losing dogssss

8 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

We're such a mess together
You make me lose my temper

14 hours

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