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25 03,2020
I am from Indiana in the USA. It depends on what city I go to. I have been to 3 and all of there have little choice in TP if any! I also noticed Pasta sauce was cleaned out at a few places along with tea bags. There is almost no meat anywhere along with cleaning stuff and sanitizes. I have even herd of people hording deodorant in a few places! plea......   reply
25 03,2020
From the US. Stores run outta toilet paper, any medical supplies (masks, sanitizer, gloves), frozen food, canned food, and especially water. At some of my stores they’re even limiting people to 1 gallon or 1 pack of water bottles a day. Wtf is up with the toilet paper shortage? We still have half a 12pk from last year. Each roll lasts a long whil......   reply
25 03,2020
Icetear 25 03,2020
Germany. Toilet paper, all kinds of disinfectant and milk. But really, WHAT'S UP WITH THE TOILET PAPER? What do you usually have right next to a toilet? A sink and a shower/bathtub with water. Even if all hell broke loose, why toilet paper?!?!?!?!?   4 reply
25 03,2020
kimdokja 25 03,2020
toilet paper, any kind of pasta, meat, water and other drinks, but mostly water lmfao recently theres no soap or hand sanitizers ironic, tissues arent even touched also, some ppl think hand sanitizer is better than soap, and its n o t the same with wet scented tissues basically, taking food for whole 3 years in advance   reply
25 03,2020
Scout 25 03,2020
Southwest USA here. Uhh most of the stores are typically picked clean of most anything nonperishable but for sure toilet paper, cleaning products, and for a while eggs and potatoes. Also there's no yeast anywhere! Like I called three different stores today and there is no yeast!   2 reply
25 03,2020
25 03,2020
In the US here in Wisconsin, most things I noticed are toilet papers, hand sanitizer, pads and tide pods , a lot of food especially the good ones like cookies Oh and water   reply
25 03,2020
In the USA in the Carolinas the main items of choice are instant noodles, red meat, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, peroxide, and any type of cleaning product.   reply
25 03,2020
schools closing [Answer]
Dimply 23 03,2020
I've been doing online school since 7th grade now (I'm going to be finishing up my 10th grade year here) and I guess I can try to help. 1. Unfortunately online school requires a lot of self- motivation. I can typically keep up with my work but my teachers can tell I'm in a funk cause I have 23 overdues.....( ̄∇ ̄") fuck honors biology. 2. Creat......   1 reply
23 03,2020
In th USA here in Southern California they started limiting the number of masks and hand sanitizer you could buy a couple of weeks ago. I went shopping a few days ago and almost didn't go in because of the line of people waiting outside. It actually wasn't that it was insanely crowded. They were just limiting the number of people in the building......   reply
23 03,2020
23 03,2020
I just went to the supermarket an hour ago and I saw tons of stock of wine (never see the condoms anywhere lmao). However, surprisingly the stock of grinded meat are all gone ( ̄∇ ̄") , some chips are gone too and of course people buy toilet papers and pasta.   1 reply
23 03,2020

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