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arachnophobia [Experience]
29 04,2020
a spider about the size of an adult human hand lunged at me when I was 6 or 7 yrs old. I accidentaly shook the curtain it was hiding in. It had an egg pouch which made it much more creepy. Since then I can't stand spiders. I still can remember the feeling when it quickly crawls across my skin :( I knew I had it worse when a same sized spider decid......   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
Fear of frogs & toads, or randiphobia. I can't even look at pictures of it. If I get suprised by simply a pic, blood rushes into my head and in a while I just see black. One time one of my relative showed me a raw frog leg (they were about to cook it) and I cried so much that I ended up getting so pale and shaking. I was screaming for them to get ......   1 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
Black._.Moon 29 04,2020
1.Autophobia, fear of being alone, I really can not stand being alone in a space, I need at least someone to be with me, if I am ever left alone, my head would suddenly hurt and my chest will tighten as I struggled to composed myself as I feel out of breath, I absolutely hate it. 2.Aerophobia, I absolutely hate flying, like whenever I am in a plan......   reply
29 04,2020
Phobiasss [Experience]
29 04,2020
I have claustrophobia which are tight spaces, tachophobia is about fast movement. When things are a bit too fast for my own eyes, I get sick and start to lose my mind. Acrophobia which is fear of heights, it's pretty common but I really don't wanna get closer to something that doesn't have a wall and is High above the ground. Atychiphobia, it's rea......   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia(s) [Experience]
29 04,2020
Ahhh.. the intriguing formation of human fear. I actually don’t really know why I fear heights but something must of triggered it. I can’t climb ladders without vigorously shaking.. I also have an extreme fear of red glowing lights such as the red light at the stop light especially at night or the glowing EXIT signs, they freak me out and I try......   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
I think I have the dumbest phobia ‘cause I feel like this all the time but my worst phobia being invisible and forgotten just spectating as everyone else is moving along and I’m sitting there trying to get someone’s attention but the don’t hear or feel me I’m just sat there alone waiting but nobody seems to notice me as if I’m not there......   2 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
Naya ✨Feet✨
29 04,2020
i have a total of 9 phobia's but i cant tell explain why due too personal reasons. 1. Algophobia (Fear of pain) 2. Aichmophobia (Fear of needles or pointed objects) 3. Aphenphosmphobia (Fear of being touched) 4. Catoptrophobia (Fear of mirrors) 5. Gamophobia (Fear of marriage) 6. Gynophobia (Fear of women) 7. Hydrophobia (Fear of water) 8. Philoph......   2 reply
29 04,2020
I have phobia [Experience]
[DELETED] 29 04,2020
Phobia of looking at the sky.. I dont like it whenever i lay back to look at the sky i feel so suffocated.. I cant breath well its happened whether its morning or night... The phobia is im so so cannot with insect/bugs anything insect whatsoever spider, cockroaches, ant, dragonfly, any insect even though i know its not poisonous and dangerous but ......   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
Replica 29 04,2020
I'm scared of sculptures. And also a little of dolls but it depends on their faces. But sculptures...they scare the hell out of me   reply
29 04,2020
Have a Phobia [Experience]
29 04,2020
When i was a kid, i was scared of everything but it wasn't something like "it scares me", it was literally a phobia and it was a phobia of everything. There were some stronger than others like (I don't know the terms) phobia of strong sounds, phobia of big places, phobia of being alone, phobia of being with just one person, phobia of being recogniz......   1 reply
29 04,2020

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