Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable.
recently, i noticed i've been logging into Mangago lesser than before

i don't comment or reply as much as i used to neither do i read as much

life changing shit has happened recently (new job with a higher salary, engagement, etc) and i think it turned my life around for the better

the thing is, this better version doesn't include Mangago as much as before
i might be moving on from this site, but i've definitely made some good memories

i won't leave tho, you're stuck with my idiocy teehee

(also respectfully, fuck you mgg for deleting my bio)

anyway that's it gang, see ya in the forums
19 12,2023
Came across this website when I was searching for a manhwa to read but forgot to write webtoon in the end, it was the first result: clicked— BAAM   reply
18 12,2023
Went to youtube to find some bl rec. Press a link and here i am   reply
18 12,2023
Ohhhh okayyyyy!   reply
18 12,2023
GIRLS!? I WANT MEN   reply
18 12,2023
Damn they sound like a bitch and a pathological liar   1 reply
18 12,2023
I hardly remember but I swear they had a app, and I had downloaded it and idk what I was doing but I looked it up on google and boom.. I hit the jackpot.   1 reply
18 12,2023
I (don't) have straight A's   reply
18 12,2023
rice purity test [Answer]
✙  18 12,2023
I mean, it's expected of someone with social phobia who would probably freak out if someone touched.   reply
18 12,2023
i wanted 2 be a emo kid so bad in middle school   reply
18 12,2023

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