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Questioning Age Ratings

Wtf [Experience]
21 06,2018
When I was a kid I used to watch some f’d up stuff , mostly violent sci fi and ecchi history dramas with my dad then when I was in high school he said it wasn’t appropriate for me. When I mentioned he used to let me he said that was fine cause I didn’t understand it. Ten years later im still like   2 reply
21 06,2018
Haha, Now 18+ things are my otps or gore and horror but even if I am young and stuff like that when people not into anime are near me they sometimes talk about how disgusting hentai is and I am just in my head smiling and laughing it off like a phsycopath haha, hentai is not that big of a deal.   reply
07 05,2018
Overrated [Experience]
08 02,2018
Most of the youngsters are reading and watching stuff above their age. I'm no exception either. When I was a child, I used to watch horror movies together with my father. Thanks to that I can eat while watching gore stuff. And funny thing, I bought a +16 rated Manga when I was 15, but nobody questioned my age, despite me looking way younger than ......   reply
08 02,2018
I sort of agree with Loli. Not only can kids get addicted to porn (my sister did), they can easily be swayed into thinking that sex is Bad(tm) and that they are Bad for thinking that it's interesting or that they like to see it/read it. This can lead to deeper mental health issues later. Maybe it's the parents' fault for not being more open about ......   2 reply
14 01,2017
Depends from the person, jep. But i would disagree that exposure to this fiction filled world is a good option. I know that most young ppl would complain about me saying that any experience affects them more than it seems - in this case completely unrealistic depiction of sex and romance but im still gonna say that it leaves traces in mind and not ......   reply
14 01,2017
It all depends on the person no matter what age. You should not mix reality with fantasy I was 11-12 when I first started reading yaoi though I know it's a work of fiction , nothing really change except the fact that I fangirl alot lmao. Till now I still love to read yaoi not just because of smut But for the plot as well. I was a very open minde......   2 reply
14 01,2017
The first time I read yaoi was when I was 11 or 12 years old. At first I didn't mind it because it was only shonen-ai, but I realized that there was another genre that was a little more explicit. At first I was like, "Whoa! I can't read this. It is way too inappropriate for me to read." But I kind of wanted to know what happened next and I also wan......   reply
14 01,2017
Well... im my country the legal age for sex is 16 so it would be pretty weird if people are not allowed to read aboult sex when they are old enough to do it themselves. Besides that, kids are often sexually mature at ages even younger than that. They feel sexual attraction just as we do and are curious about their bodies. The legal age is not for h......   2 reply
13 01,2017
I think the 18+ thing is more like a warning than an interdiction. It helps you know what will be in the thing you're starting to watch/read/play, but in the end it depends on your mentality. I started reading hentai stuff when I was 14, but I didn't start Berserk before I was 15 because I didn't feel "ready". So in the end I think it's a pretty go......   1 reply
13 01,2017
Well, I started reading at like 13, so I would be a hypocrite to say not to. To be fair, with the internet bringing anything you want to see with a click/tap, it's hard to tell anyone not to see/do ANYTHING. Most kids kinda know sex stuff nowadays. It really can't be avoided in the grand scheme of things. Now with that being said, myself and numero......   reply
06 07,2016

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