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Same Sex Crush Stories

I got chubbah cheeks now. Boyfriend says it's cute especially when I pout or smile though cuz my dimples will show. I don't get fat no matter how much I eat, except for my cheeks. They're slightly chubby now.   reply
29 05,2021
well im only 45 kg, but i gained a bit of weight in quarantine soo idk   2 reply
20 02,2021
Telling you you're ugly / fat / moaning someone else's name in the middle of it. Luckily has never happened to me but man that would hurt so bad ngl   1 reply
20 02,2021
nope got super skinny since of my ed, most days i don’t care enough to eat ha ha   reply
20 02,2021
Quarantine kinda help and kinda didn't, I'm a sweet tooth and I can't have much sweets now so I eat junk foods instead, I'm the type who forget if I already eaten so it kinda help me loose some weight   reply
20 02,2021
Bruh it’s not even a meme anymore. I probably won’t fit into half of my wardrobe at this point.   reply
20 02,2021
My eating has legit been all over the place. Someti,es I eat next to nothing or I legit binge. Fuck meeee   reply
20 02,2021
08 12,2020
Uwu [Answer]
08 12,2020
I have gone through a very similar experience so I understand you but you have to keep in mind that NONE of this was ever your fault, you are a victim, I hope you don't blame yourself for following that girl because it wasn't your fault, you were just a curious child. You have probabily suffered all by yourself, but you should accept what happened......   1 reply
08 12,2020
I have to nominate Unholy - Hey Violet & From Eden- Hozier

08 12,2020

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